Page 9 of Hunted Bride

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He chuckled. “I will send my address to you. Bring a change of clothes and some things to wear while you are here. I intend for this to be our marital home, so it is best if you get used to it as soon as possible.”

She swallowed. “Um, I will come for dinner. I don’t think that I will stay over.”

“Of course, my bride, but you are leaving it up to my housekeeper’s discretion. She is appalled at the idea of my bride not having a change of clothing here. She will build you a traditional wardrobe if you don’t bring representations of your wardrobe style, she would guess, and she’s sixty-three years old.”

She paused. “Fine. I will bring a change of clothes. Bully.”

“Alpha. I do what I do to make your life easier eventually. Bullies do it for their own entertainment.” He growled into the phone in a manner that held her captivated.

When she could speak without her voice being all husky, she said, “Fine. What time did you want me over?”


She smiled. “Can you narrow it down for a starting point?”


“All right, I will be there for six.”

“I will ask Loki to send his car with you. Mine will take you back to him in the morning.”

“We already gave the driver the day off. Me. I am the driver.”

He sighed. “I will still speak with Loki.”

The tea-slinging fox walked in, gnawing on an apple.

“Okay, I will tell him to expect your call.”

Loki smiled at her. “Who is it?”


“Oh. Goody. Hand him over.” Loki took her phone with a smirk and switched to rapid Japanese.

Loki winced, glanced at her, pulled her phone aside, and said, “Go pack. I will bring your phone and a charger when I am done.”

She was dismissed and went to pack. Pushing back against alphas was never a game she could win. They pushed back harder.

Loki got onto the lane that led to the interstate, and she smiled. “This is a new one.”

“I know how to drive. I just rarely have to.”

She snorted. “I imagined you did. You have a car collection.”

He kept her phone, but it was plugged into the charger. He hummed as he drove along the lane and missed the turn to the interstate. He drove past woods and trees and then turned into a drive.

“You are kidding me.”

Loki laughed. “You are just lucky that he didn’t build a monorail between our places.”

The drive was long and winding, leading to a large home that was reminiscent of the inn they had stayed at most recently. Minoru came out wearing hakama and a kimono shirt. She reached for the door, and Loki made a rumbling sound, so she pulled her hand back. Minoru opened the door, and Loki got out to get her bags from the trunk and hand them to Minoru. He slung them over his shoulder then opened the door and smiled at Polly. “Welcome to our home, my bride.”

She sighed and said, “You think I want to live close to this asshole for the rest of my life?” She jerked her thumb at Loki.

Her boss snorted and said, “Stop hanging onto the car. I need to leave you to your fate.”

Minoru wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her away from the vehicle. Loki used that opportunity to fuck off.
