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“All right,” I said as I reached his door and turned the knob. “What was so damn important you dragged me down here in the middle—?” As soon as the door to his apartment swung open, my ears were assaulted by the wretched warbling of what sounded like a cat being bludgeoned to death.

“What the hell is that?” I whisper-yelled as I stepped over the threshold.

“I can’t be certain, but I think it’s supposed to be Taylor Swift.”

I turned back, wide-eyed, to see Rowan still standing by the door. “You mean that’s aperson?Singing?”

His only response was to nod warily.

My gaze darted from Rowan toward the kitchen and back to Rowan again. “I don’t—” I began, just as understanding took hold. “Oh,hellno!”

Rowan stepped in my path just as I started back for the front door, blocking my escape with his large, stupidly perfect body.Damn him!

“Please, just listen,” he rushed to say in a quiet voice, although I wasn’t sure why. Thepersonbutchering “Bad Blood” in the kitchen was more than likely all anyone on Rowan’s floor could hear. “I know this is so far beyond the scope of fucked-up, it’s not even funny, but she won’t leave! She just showed up here and I can’t get her out.”

“Nope. Nuh-uh. No freaking way, Rowan! Nowhere in my job description does it say I’m responsible for the removal of your booty calls. That’s low, even for you.”

“I didn’t sleep with her!” he insisted vehemently. I looked at him like he was an idiot if he expected me to believe that. “I really didn’t, at least not this time. She said she wanted to make me dinner, but we finishedan hour and a half ago! She began washing dishes and whenever I mention her possibly leaving, she starts washing one of the knives from the butcher block. She’s washed, like,six knives! And they were already clean! You have to help me.Please.”

And just like that, a light bulb went off in my head.

The way Navie’s dark blue eyes narrowed menacingly should have been worrisome. However, I’d crossed the line from worried over an hour back and was firmly planted on the side of ‘legitimately terrified for my life’, thanks to the woman in my kitchen currently making noises akin to those an animal might make while being castrated.

“What’s in it for me?” Navie asked, crossing her arms over her chest, drawing attention to the way her arms shoved her tits up. Sweet Lord in Heaven, thank God she hadn’t zipped up that hoodie of hers. Why did it feel like I discovered something new about Navie every day that made my dick stand up and take notice? The woman had one of the best racks in New York. I was beginning to think there was something seriously wrong with me. I hadn’t been lying when I told her I hadn’t slept with the woman in my kitchen. Truth was I hadn’t slept with anyone since that very first day she caught Bethany leaving my apartment. I was in the middle of the longest dry spell I’d had since freshman year of high school. I couldn’t explain why. Maybe I was getting sick or something. That had to be it. That was the only reasonable explanation as to why I was allowing Navie’s opinion of me to put a damper on my sex life.

“For fuck’s sake, Navie,” I hissed. “You’re already getting double-time—okay, okay,okay!” I nearly shouted when she started for the door again. “You can have anything you want. Just get rid of her.”

She eyed me skeptically. “Anything?”

“Jesus! Yes!”

Reaching into her purse, she pulled out her phone, tapped on the screen a few times and held it in the space between us. “Repeat after me,” she said in a no-nonsense tone.

“You’re recording this?” I asked in exasperation.

“Hell yeah, I am. I need proof to hold over your head if you ever try and renege on our deal. Now, quit bitching and repeat after me. I, Rowan Locklaine, asshole extraordinaire…”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” I grumbled, earning myself a narrow-eyed glare. “Fine. I Rowan Locklaine, asshole extraordinaire…”

“Do solemnly swear from this point forward to never,everbe a flaming douchebag to mylovelypersonal assistant, Navie Collins.”

With a huff and a roll of my eyes, I repeated everything she’d just said and waited for her to continue

“And I hereby give her unfettered access to my cable television…”


“Just say it!”

“Why do you need access to my cable?”

“Because I don’t have cable at my apartment and I need to take full advantage of your DVR so I can record all of the shows I’ve been missing.”

I pinched the bridge of my nose, feeling a migraine coming on strong. “For the love of God.”

“Hey, if you won’t agree to my demands, I can just leave.” She shrugged casually, like it was no concern to her one way or another.

“All right,” I ground out through clenched teeth. “You can use my DVR.”
