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“Rowan, stop!” I nearly shouted, my tone firm, leaving no room for argument. That seemed to pull him out of his red-clouded daze.

“We’re leaving,” he informed me, grabbing me by the hand Richard had been holding, which had started the whole mess. He didn’t give me a chance to respond as he pulled me, none too gracefully, from the ballroom at a clip so fast I had to run to keep up. I barely had enough time to snatch my clutch from the table as we passed.

“Rowan, slow down. My legs are shorter than yours!”

“I can’t fuckingbelievethat motherfucker!” he bellowed once we made it outside to the waiting limo.

“Stop!” I shouted, jerking my hand from his painfully rough grip. He came to a halt as soon as his hold on me detached. Standing in front of the Plaza, my chest rising and falling with each ragged pant, I propped my hands on my hips and scowled. “What thehellwas that?!”

“Navie, don’t start. I’m not in the mood for your—”

Oh, no, I’d had just about all the insults I could handle for one night. “I don’t give a shit what you’re in the mood for, Rowan! I might not have a clue what just happened back there, but what Idoknow is that in your fit of rage, you managed to insult me in the process of verbally attacking your brother!” His shoulders slumped as my words seemed to sink in. “I didn’t do a damn thing to deserve you disrespecting me just because you were in the mood to prove who has the bigger dick. You need to get your shit together! I amnotyour personalpunching bag!” I ended on a yell, my own anger having reached a boiling point.

Rowan stomped to me, eating up every inch of space between his body and mine. His eyes flashed maniacally with something I couldn’t put my finger on. I had to admit, for the first time since getting to know him, I wasn’t sure how to react. “Do you want him?” he clipped.

“What? Have you lost your damn mind?!”

He grabbed my forearms harshly, jerking me flush against his body. It was bizarre how much that action both scared and excited me. I’d long since given up trying to understand my body’s reaction to this infuriating man. It was never as it should have been.

“Answer the goddamned question, Navie! Do you want him?”

I tried to pull free, but it was pointless. “Jesus, Rowan, of course not! I didn’t say more than a handful of words to the man. I was too shocked at discovering there weretwoof you! I didn’t even know you had a brother until ten minutes ago. How could you eventhinkI’d want him?”

At my words, the floodgates opened. And I had no choice but to go with the flow or risk drowning.

Something inside of me snapped and I couldn’t have stopped myself if I wanted to. Slamming my lips against hers in a bruising, punishing kiss, I took her mouth with more force than I had that night at the club. My need to feel her, have her, mark her went from borderline obsessive to positively primal. Using my tongue, I forced my way between those lush lips, swallowing down her needy whimper as her taste exploded in my mouth, fueling me on.

I had to have her.

Right then.

There was no more waiting. If she denied me at that moment, I had no idea what I’d do—probably combust. Pulling back from her mouth, I trailed wet, openmouthed kisses down her neck to her collarbone. “Rowan.” She exhaled my name in that breathy, exotic way that ramped me up even further. “Rowan, we’re in public.” She tried to push at my chest, but it was weak, and the second I latched onto her smooth, creamy skin, sinking my teeth into that flesh, her body softened even more.

“Get in the limo,” I growled my demand, pulling away to look into those dark blue eyes. The moment I saw them glazed over with lust, I knew I’d won. On shaky limbs, she stepped to the car. I pulled the door open for her and quickly followed her in, yanking her into my lap the instant my ass hit the seat so she straddled my thighs. I wasn’t letting her get away this time. There would be no distance between us. The divider between us and the driver was already up, so there was nothing stopping me. No more obstacles. No more waiting.

“Oh, God.” Her head tipped back as I sucked on her neck again, trailing my hands up her tiny waist. My thumbs brushed across the rigid peaks of her nipples over her dress and I was overcome with the desire to taste them. Pulling the top of her dress down as low as I could, I latched onto a dusky-pink tip and took a long, slow pull. Navie ground her hips further into mine, rubbing herself against my aching cock. Christ, I could feel her heat though the layers of clothing between us. I couldn’t stand the barrier.

“Oh, shit,” she whimpered as she circled her hips, chasing after the release she was just as desperate for as I was.

“You want me?” I asked, trailing one hand down between us, pushing her panties aside so I could get to what I wanted. “Shit, Navie. You’re soaked.”

“Don’t stop,” she panted as I circled her clit with my thumb before shoving two fingers deep inside her.

“Not stopping,” I returned. I had to breathe deep to try and stave off coming in my pants. The feel of her grinding on my dick and the way she clamped around my fingers was almost too much to bear. “No fucking way I’m stopping. Not until I’ve fucked you.”

Her head came up, a cascade of golden hair swishing across her shoulders as her hazy eyes landed on me. “Do it.”

“Tell me you want me,” I groaned, wrapping my free hand in all that gorgeous hair so I could guide her mouth back to mine. I couldn’t explain it, couldn’t understand it, but after seeing her with Richard, I needed to hear straight from her mouth that it wasmeshe wanted, no one else. I hadn’t needed that kind of validation in years. If I hadn’t been so far gone, it would have scared the shit out of me.

“I want you,” she whispered against my lips before sliding her tongue against mine.

I pulled back and demanded, “Tell me you want my cock.”

“God, Rowan,” she cried out as I pumped my fingers in and out of her tight heat even harder. “I want it. So bad.Please.”

The sound of her begging pushed me to my limit. I lifted us both up so I could reach my wallet in the pocket of my pants. Flipping it open quickly, I pulled out the condom I’d stored—just in case—and tossed the wallet aside, not caring where it landed. Navie rose up on her knees and reached for my fly, unbuttoning and unzipping with shaking fingers so she could free the rigid erection beneath.

“Dear God,” she breathed as she stared with wide eyes. My cock swelled further under her attention.
