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“Not God, sweetheart.” I chuckled. “But thanks for the compliment.”

At that, her eyes flew up, her expression immediately sobering as she furrowed her brow. “Don’t call me that,” she said in a pained whisper and I remembered that night in my car on the way back from the police station, when she’d first asked me never to call her that. The name I used for allmy women.

“Hey,” I spoke softly, taking her chin between my fingers and tilting her face to mine. “I won’t call you that,” I told her earnestly. “I swear. You believe me?”

She gave a jerky nod before taking the condom packet from my fingers and ripping it open. I watched in awe as she slid it down my length and aligned the head of my cock to her opening. I didn’t give her any more room for thought. Taking her hips in my hands, I thrust up at the same time I shoved her down, filling her completely in one hard thrust. Her head flew back on a loud cry and I knew right then once wasn’t going to be damn near enough.

“Perfect,” I grunted as I hammered into her, drawing out every single moan, every breath, every sound I could force from her. “You feel so fucking perfect, baby.”

She bucked against me, meeting me thrust for thrust, never one to just sit idly and expect someone else to do all the work. Her fingers dug into my hair as she mashed her lips against mine in a breathless, panting kiss. Moving my hands up to her waist, I dug my fingers in, desperate to hold on to her as tight as I could as we were forced from our kiss to suck in some much needed air.

“I’m close,” she groaned. I could feel her tightening around me as I licked and nipped at every inch of exposed flesh I could reach, tasting the thin sheen of sweat that had broken out against her skin. Had sex ever felt so goddamned good before? As Navie rode me, I couldn’t remember ever being with anyone else. Nothing from my past compared.

Moving my lips to her ear, I said, “Want to feel it, baby. Want to feel you come all over me.” I bit down on the lobe and that was enough to send her over the edge, crying my name and a few other unintelligible words as her movements became uncoordinated. Navie’s walls clamped tight around me as I continued to pump my hips, dragging out her orgasm as long as possible while chasing my own at the same time.

One, two, three more harsh thrusts and I came on a ragged groan, burying my face in her neck and biting down as I came so hard it was damn near painful. I lost all sense of time as spots clouded my vision. It could have been minutes or hours that passed as the sounds of heavy panting—hers and mine—filled the back of the limo. The smell of sex hung heavy in the air around us. That alone was almost enough to get me ready for round two.

“Wow,” she gasped as she pulled my head from the crook of her shoulder by my hair. When I looked into those denim colored eyes, I couldn’t help but return the smile that was shining back at me. “Sothat’swhat angry sex is like,” she giggled.

That sound. That happy sound.

Good Lord, there was no way in hell once would be enough.

I needed her in a way that scared the living hell out of me.

Nerves coursed through me as I trailed closely behind Rowan into his apartment. It was ridiculous, really. We’d just had sex in the back of a limo only minutes before, yet walking into his home, aware that we were about to spend the night together, caused hummingbirds to riot in my belly.

Flipping on the lights as he walked, Rowan casually removed his jacket and tossed it onto the coatrack. I stood frozen in place just inside the foyer, watching in wonder as he pulled at his bowtie, leaving it dangling on either side of his neck before working the buttons of his sleeves and rolling them up to mid-forearm.

I’d been so focused on watching his fingers work the cuffs I hadn’t realized he was watching me until his deep, rich voice, laced with humor, echoed through the space. “Planning on making a run for it?”

“Huh?” Shaking my head to clear away the fog, I looked up and met his eyes.

“You look like you’re about to run.”

“I’m—” I started to protest, until I realized I was actually considering it. I wondered how things had suddenly become so awkward. People were supposed to clam up and get all weirdbeforesex, not after. Well, at least based on what I’d learned from my limited experience.

“You’re not running,” he spoke authoritatively as he walked back to me, hands firmly planted on his hips. My nerves began to diminish as my agitation rose. How the man still managed to piss me off right after giving me probably the best orgasm of my life was mind-boggling. I should have been in seventh heaven. Butno, I was standing in the middle of Rowan’s tiled entryway, copying his stance with my hands on my hips, eyes narrowed in angry slits.


“You heard me,” he answered, stepping closer.

Reverting into moody-teenaged-girl mode, I responded, ever so eloquently, “You’re not the boss of me!”

“Oh, the irony of that statement,” he laughed.

“Are youtryingto piss me off intentionally?”

He stepped even closer. Close enough to reach out and twirl a loose strand of my hair around his finger. “As much as I delight in watching you get riled up, picking a fight with you would more than likely put a damper on what I have planned for the rest of the evening.”

I wanted to get madder, I really did, but his words were a reminder of just how perfectly he worked my body over. Dampness flooded my core at the thought of having more than that.

“But I will admit, watching you get so heated is better than the shy, nervous thing you had going on the moment we walked through the door. So the answer is, if it’ll get you back to normal and give me back that fiery girl I’ve been craving for so long, then yeah, I guess I am trying to piss you off intentionally… on a subconscious level, at least,” he finished with a smile.

Give me back the fiery girl I’ve been craving for so long… Those were the only words playing back in my head as I lowered my arms and tossed my clutch onto the table by the door, taking in a deep breath to try and calm my rioting emotions. When I met his eyes once more, they were glittering with lust, darkened to a deeper blue than normal. He knew I’d just surrendered, that I wasn’t running. It was written all over him in the way his chest rose as he pulled in air, the way his pupils dilated, almost eclipsing the blue completely. But mostly, it was in the way he grabbed hold of me and pulled me into him just before melding our lips together in a hungry kiss.

“Want you again,” he groaned as his hands roamed to the back of my thighs so he could lift me up. On instinct, I wrapped my legs around his waist, locking my ankles together behind his back. I wanted him again, too. “Wanted you the minute we finished. You’re in my fucking head.”
