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I thought… and came up with nothing. “Damn it!”

“See?” she crowed, looking a little too victorious for my liking. “We need ground rules.”

“Fine,” I relented on a huff. “What are theseground rules?”

“No hanky-panky while I’m on the clock.”

“Oh, hell no! Fuck that. I’m not agreeing to that rule!”

“You have to!”

“Like hell I do. Nope, no way.” I crossed my arms over my chest in finality.

The little devil did the same. “Then this isn’t happening.”

I felt pretty certain at that point that my head was about to explode. I looked up at the ceiling on a long groan before finally caving to her demands. “Fine. What else?”

“No other women,” she replied without hesitation.

“Then no other men,” I added with a cocked brow.


A corner of my mouth tipped up in a grin. “Anything else?”

She looked thoughtful for a second, her lips scrunched to the side, forehead wrinkled. “That’s all I got for now. But I’m sure I’ll think of something later.”

“Great!” I said a little too enthusiastically as I reached for her. “We can start now. It’s a Sunday. You’re off the clock.”

She sidestepped my hold. “Sorry, big boy, got stuff to do today. I need to head home.”

“You know you’re killing me, right?” I pouted dramatically as I dropped my head to the kitchen counter. All I heard as she left the kitchen was that sweet giggle trailing down the hallway.

I was such a sucker.

I lied.

I didn’t have anything to do; I just needed some space from Rowan. It felt like things were moving at warp speed, and I needed a chance to process everything without the risk of him twisting me into knots.

I’d put up a valiant effort to convince him I could take a cab home. It was New York, for Christ’s sake; people cabbed it everywhere. But he wouldn’t hear of it. When we pulled up in front of my building, he planted a bone-melting kiss on my lips before I even had the car door open. I was so hot and bothered by the time I finished the climb up the stairs to my apartment, it was a miracle I hadn’t spontaneously combusted.

High-heeled sandals hanging from my fingers, I unlocked the front door of my apartment and crept in, trying my best not to wake Harlow. No such luck.

“And where have you been, missy?”

“Ah! Shit!” I yelled as I spun around, hand to my thundering heart. Harlow stood in the space between the entryway and living room, arms crossed over her chest, one hip popped out, a stern-mother expression on her face. “Crap on a freaking cracker, Har. You just scared a few years off my life! I thought you’d be asleep.”

“Thought or hoped? Seeing as you never came home and are sneaking in wearing your gown from last night.”

“Uh… hoped?”

A wicked smile spread across her lips as she rushed me and pulled me into a hug. “You dirty little ho! You’re totally doing the walk of shame, aren’t you?Eeeeeeeeeep! I’m so happy for you! Tell me all about it. Who was the guy? How was he? Are you seeing him again? You totally have hump hair right now.” She leaned in and sniffed. “And you still kinda smell like sex.”

“Ewww, gross!” I shouted, swatting at her. “Get away from me, weirdo. I haven’t had a chance to shower yet.”

As I made my way to my room to change out of my dress and take that aforementioned shower, she followed behind, yapping like a month-old puppy with ADHD the entire time. “Sooooo? Are you gonna spill the beans on who you banged?”

I turned to look at her over my shoulder. She was propped against my door, obviously not planning on moving any time soon. “Don’t say ‘banged’,” I told her as I dropped the gown to the floor and reached for the plush, terrycloth robe I kept draped over my desk chair. I’d changed in front of Harlow so many times, it was nothing.

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