Page 41 of Alien Storm

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“Oh, God,” I groaned. “Forget I said anything!”

We enjoyed our soak for a while longer after that. Eventually, the laughter and conversation died down, and we all stared silently out at the harsh, stunning sky above the condensation on the window.It really is beautiful here, I thought.

The beds turned out to be as nice as the pool. Each carved bed rectangle was lined with layers of springy, woolly fabric that created a cushiony cocoon of a mattress. Combined with the rest of the clean, fuzzy hides for blankets, the beds were shockingly comfy.

It didn’t take long for us to snuggle down and fall asleep.


WE DID END UP STAYINGwith Gahn Thaleo’s tribe for a couple of days after all. We were all happy to enjoy the luxuries of his mountain, and I was able to start collecting meteorological data to analyze.

I was glad to start my work. I was even more glad that, since this was another Gahn’s territory, the longer I stayed here, the longer I avoided Gahn Errok.

At least... That’s what I’d thought.

But, as it was so often the case when it came to the loud and stormy Gahn who’d set his sights on me, my assumptions turned out to be absolutely, positively, flat-outwrong.



Togo pushed himselfhard for me, but even my loyal braxilk could not match the speed of the new women’s vessel. I flew behind them, tracking them, for as long as I could see them. But they disappeared more swiftly than I would have thought possible. At that speed, they’d reach their destination in a day or less.

As for Togo and I, it took three days of flying to return to the Deep Sky.

But return, we did. To the land of my people.

To the place my mate had gone.

I’d thought being without her before had been torturous. Now, it was madness. Now that I’d seen her before me as more than just a mate vision, now that I’d heard her voice and touched the incredible skin of her hands, she tormented me more viciously than I would have believed anyone capable of. Her face drove me onward, her strange eyes burning and taunting. Her voice claimed my dreams and haunted my days. A voice that was so achingly, painfully soft against all the harsh and hateful words she had for me.

I thought I would be relieved to follow her, to get near her again. I needed to do it – could not resist it. Could not be anywhere but where she was. But there was no relief as I passed over the blue plains and dark peaks of the Deep Sky.

There would be no relief for me until she stopped her useless fight against me.

No relief until I claimed her as my own.

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