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We snorted with laugher, and Dee said, “She wrote him letters!”

“I almost forgot that! I can’t believe he wrote back with that signed picture. Probably just so Mom would stop bothering him.”

Dee chuckled. “And that time Dani decided she wanted to be a special effects makeup artist? I’m pretty sure Mom walked around with plastic pieces stuck to her face for a year.”

I laughed. “The dragon look was pretty good.”

“And I’m still trying to forget the petting zoo she had for my seventeenth birthday after I signed up to study animal science.”

Now my belly was aching. “I think that was the first and last time the Emerson Police ever had to chase a potbelly pig down main street.”

“That wasn’t Mom’s fault. Stupid Grant let it out.”

“True,” I said.

Dee grabbed a washcloth and wet it in the sink. “Now stop talking so I can put this on.” She applied the tattoo to my cheek, careful not to get my skin too wet and ruin my makeup.

I stayed still, thinking about our parents. Mom was definitely the kind of person who went all out. She told me once that she wanted to be a mom from the time she was a child. Dad was the perfect match for her, low-key but fun enough to go along with all of her shenanigans.

Once Dee was done applying my tattoos, she applied her own, and I glanced at my phone. “I should get going. I don’t want to be too late.”

“Dad and I will be watching from the porch. Be sure to remember the little people.”

I laughed and gave her a hug. “Te amo,sis.”

“Yo también.”

Dad wished me luck as I left the house, and I was thankful for the walk down Main Street to collect myself. I could already see the houses decorated, the power lines done up with rainbow flags. People were beginning to mill about, setting out their chairs in preparation for the parade. It was kind of amazing that the Emerson Pride Association, with my mom’s leadership, had brought this all together. That people were actually going to come.

I felt like royalty walking down the sidewalk in my overall shorts that had a rainbow heart on the front with Chucks and long rainbow socks. Even the bow in my updo was colorful and fun. I couldn’t wait to see pictures from the day. Couldn’t wait to see what everyone else would wear. From pictures of other parades online, it would be amazing.

After about a mile of walking, I reached the starting point of the parade. There were multiple floats lined up, and the community band was standing in formation with their instruments. Emerson Dance Studio had dancers in colorful uniforms. And at the head of it all was my mom.

She was speaking with someone on a float, offering directions, a bullhorn hanging in her hand. She looked both adorable and ridiculous in her big rainbow tulle tutu and a tight white tank that said PRIDE on the front.

I walked up to her and tapped her shoulder.

She turned and smiled at me, taking my face in her hands. “You look beautiful! Do you see the Academy’s float?”

“I just got here,” I said. “Where is it?”

She pointed farther down the side street where everyone was lining up. “Fourth one back. Ollie’s already there.”

“Great,” I said.

She gripped my fingers for a moment. “Suerte.”Good luck.

“Thanks, Mom,” I said. I left her to her duties and walked back to the float. It was technically a pickup, decked top to bottom in a colorful version of the Academy logo and the Latin motto.Ad Meliora. Toward better things. I couldn’t help but feel like this celebration of love and all different kinds of people wasbetter things. And I was a part of it.

As I drew closer, I saw Ollie sitting on one of the throne chairs in the back, tapping on his phone.

“Hey,” I called, approaching him. He looked cute. A rainbow headband held back his curly hair, and his white shirt said EMERSON LOVES GAY PEOPLE in big bright letters. “Nice shirt,” I said with a giggle.

“I’m thinking about selling it,” he joked.

“You’d make a fortune,” I replied, looking around for a way to get on the float. “How do I get up here?”

“Oh...” He walked to the back and found the tailgate lever under a bunch of colored paper. Once it was down, he extended his hand and helped me up.

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