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He’s going to be able to read all of it on my face. Rhett is the first man who has been able to see past all my bullshit and has no issue calling me on it. I’m not entirely sure how I feel about it.

I should be running. I should be putting as much distance between us as possible. I should not have agreed to go on a date with the man.

After I agreed to go out with Rhett, it was hard to concentrate, and I knew Trix picked up on it. She was kind enough not to ask about it. Since we were done closing up and her man, Sebastian, had come by to pick her up, he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close to his side.

It was obvious she wanted to ask me what was going on when I blurted, “Rhett asked me on a date.”

I don’t even know why I did it. I didn’t need to share that information with her or anyone. I just…couldn’t keep it inside anymore.

Sebastian arched an eyebrow, and a huge grin broke on Trix’s face. “A date? That’s great. He’s been watching you for long enough.”

“Watching?” Sebastian sounded concerned, “What do you mean he’s been watching her?”

Trix waved off his question. “Like the men in this family don’t watch their women all the time.”

Sebastian huffed, “Well, if it’s like that then I guess I can understand.” His eyes studied me as he asked, “Has he made you uncomfortable? Do I need to get the guys on this and take care of the situation?”

I knew what guys he was referring to. I’ve met all the guys who make up the core of Higgins Security. They oversee the security for Aces which means they are Lincoln, Tex, and Gage’s bosses, even more so than the guys who own Aces are.

I’ve also met the rest of the family that Trix and Sebastian are part of—the rock band Suburban Outcasts and the tattoo artists who work at Banks Ink.—and all of their wives. If the family wants a fancy night out on the town, Aces is where they go, which makes sense considering the owners are part of the family as well.

I can’t say I haven’t been jealous of their family once or twice because I totally am. It’s clear how much love they all have for each other and the way they support each other is kind of amazing. I know they consider me a member of the family, but it’s hard to accept when I’ve been doing it all on my own for so long.

“I’m good, Sebastian,” I reassured him with a smile. “He doesn’t watch me in a creepy way. If that were the case, I would have said something to one of the guys. He’s just,” I trailed off, unsure exactly how to finish the sentence.

Different? Special? Mine?

I wasn’t willing to admit any of those things, but from the look Sebastian threw me, I didn’t need to. He could read it all on my face, which should have frightened me, but it didn’t.

“Go and have fun on your date, Phoenix,” Trix implored me. “What’s the worst that can happen? You don’t have a great time and find out you aren’t compatible?” My heart sank with those words and Trix held up her hands as if to placate me. “I don’t think that will happen,” she cocked her head to the side as she looked at me, “because you’ve been different lately. Happier. You just need to give him a chance.”

Trix’s words have been rattling around in my head since then. She’s right—what is the worst that can happen? Other than, of course, total heartbreak. It is possible Rhett won’t be the right man for me, but if I don’t find out then I’ll be left wondering.

Regret isn’t something I want to deal with in my life. It’s one of the reasons I’ve been unapologetic about my sex life. Why regret not spending the night with someone because society would label my actions in a negative way? I don’t live my life from a place of regret.

It’s just a date anyway. One date. Then we’ll see.

A knock on my door startles me and I look into the mirror again. I guess this is it? My heartbeat picks up as I head to the door and open it quickly, feeling like if I don’t then I’ll chicken out. I’ve never been one to back down from a challenge before and I’m not going to be starting today.

That’s all this is—a challenge. One I can take on. Hell, I might even enjoy it.

I certainly enjoyed the pleasure Rhett gave me when we spent the night together. I know I’m breaking all my rules right now. I’m not ready to delve into all the reasons why that doesn’t bother me though.

When I swing the door open, Rhett is standing there wearing a button-down shirt and some jeans. His blue-grey eyes focus on me, and it feels like all the air is sucked out of the room. Before I can greet him or even think, his hand is wrapped around the back of my neck and his lips are on mine.

He kisses me like he owns me. It makes me want to squirm right where I’m standing. It makes part of me want to run. I don’t do either and, instead, melt against him, my arms wrapping around his neck as he deepens the kiss.

When he pulls his lips from mine, I’m gasping for breath and heat creeps up my cheeks. I’m so damn turned on that I’m tempted to tell him to forget the date and for him to just take me here.

He must be able to read it all over my face because his voice is laced with amusement when he says, “Don’t even think about it, my Firestorm. As much as I want to press you against the wall and fuck you until you can’t remember your name, I’m determined to take you out.”

“Well,” I tease him, “I can’t really say no to that, can I?”

Rhett smirks at me and waits for me to pull on my coat and grab my purse. As he leads me down the hallway of my building, he grabs my hand and laces our fingers together. For a moment, I’m stunned. I can’t remember the last time I’ve held someone’s hand so casually.

It feels good. It feels right. I’m not sure how to process all the things I’m feeling right now so I choose not to and push everything to the back of my mind.

I’m going to enjoy this date and that’s all there is to it.
