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There might not be a rule against it, but I make sure to keep everything professional. Until I clock out and take a guy home.

The guy who I hooked up with before gives me a nod and I move toward him again while keeping inside the cringe threatening to come out. Fuck, this is annoying. No wonder guys can be cruel when women get too clingy. It’s not nice, but I can certainly understand it, especially right now.

I eye the drink the guy still has in front of him at the bar and force a smile on my lips. “Looks like your drink is still good. What can I do for you?”

“Come on, Phoenix.” He leans forward as if to make sure I can hear him better, but I have a feeling he just wants to get a better look at my tits. Normally I wouldn’t mind. I have a great pair and I’m not ashamed of showing them off. “You know you had a good time with me. You need to let me remind you just how good I worked your body over.”

My eyebrows shoot up and I lean back. It’s amazing how some guys can shock you and not surprise you at all at the same time. What a fucking creep.

“I’m not interested.” I force myself to bite back the snarky as hell words I want to give him. I am still at work and this man is a paying customer. “I told you what the deal was. We had one night. That’s all I do.”

He looks me over and the way he ogles me doesn’t sit right with me. I notice Trix moving my way and I know I need to shut this shit down now. The owners of Aces—Axel, Maddox, and Steve—take security really fucking seriously.

Lincoln is around here somewhere and then there’s Tex and Gage. I know they would take care of the guy if I needed them to, but the thing is that I don’t want it to get to that point. We had a night together. That was it. I’m not interested in more.

“You can’t be serious, Baby,” he sneers at me as he runs his eyes up and down my body. “I know you want another taste.”

I lean forward and give him a seductive smile, one which usually reels men in. I pitch my voice a little lower, my words laced with venom, “I wouldn’t touch you again even if I was paid. It wasn’t that good and you thinking you’re god’s gift to women is a fucking problem. If you don’t like that I made it clear I was only going to spend one night with you in the sheets, that’s cool, I get it. Doesn’t mean I’m looking for more though. Even if you rocked my fucking world, I wouldn’t be interested in a repeat performance.”

His eyes harden as I lean away from him, a fake as fuck smile on my face. “So, you’re just a whore. Got it,” his words are clipped.

If I was anyone else, his words might sting, but I’m me and I don’t give a fuck what this man says to me. He’s only trying to save face. Society has told him that his assessment of me is accurate. It’s not though.

“Oh, I see.” I look at him with pity clear in my eyes. “You’re the kind of guy who is threatened by the fact that I’m not interested in more, while having no problem owning my sexuality. A man can do it, right? But I can’t because I’m a woman?”

He blinks at me a few times and his lip curls up in disgust. “You know what you are,” he practically spits the words.

“I do. I’m not interested,” there’s a finality to my tone.

When Trix steps next to me, after being sidetracked by a customer and their drink order, the man’s eyes bounce between us before he grabs his glass and storms away. I throw my head back and laugh, hoping the sound follows behind him and mocks him.

I’m not usually one to shut a guy down like that, but I’m sure as fuck not going to let someone talk down to me either. I’m not ashamed of who I am. There’s not a single reason for me to apologize for it.

Trix chuckles and bumps my hip with her own. “Just a trail of broken hearts behind you, huh?”

I look over at her with a smile on my lips and wink before shrugging one shoulder. “What can I say? He thought for sure I’d want more than one night. I don’t.”

Her eyes soften as she looks at me, but there’s no judgement there. “You know,” she pauses and nibbles on her lip as if she’s not sure if she should say more, but she powers through, “not all guys are shit.”

“Oh, I know.” I wiggle my eyebrows at her. “You got a good one in Sebastian, and I know the rest of the guys in the family are good men. I’m just not interested in putting myself out there to find a unicorn. I’m pretty sure you and your girls have domesticated all of them in Denver.”

She barks out a laugh. “Doubtful. I bet there are still some good ones out there.” She cocks her head to the side and studies me for a beat. “You know Lincoln’s twin works construction. I bet some of the guys he works with are good guys. Monday has Jameson and he’s part of the crew,” she reminds me.

“Naw,” I brush her off, “I’m good just the way I am. I like my freedom.”

“Just something to keep in mind,” her voice is breezy. Someone gets her attention down at the other end of the bar, but before she heads over, she looks at me again and her eyebrows pull together. “If you think he’s going to be a problem, let the guys know.”

“I will,” I promise knowing she’s talking about all the guys, security or otherwise, who have a hand in Aces.

One thing I’ve learned about her family and the rest of the security guys is how important safety is and that applies to me as an employee and the patrons. Right before I was hired, they had some issues with the guy I replaced. He was helping some shit people drug women.

I’ve worked at places where safety didn’t matter to anyone. It’s better here and I’m thankful for it.

I’m sure that guy won’t be back. Men don’t do well when their egos are bruised, but I think he got the message this time. I brush off the whole thing. Later, after I lock eyes with a guy at the other end of the bar, I get the feeling of being watched for the rest of the night, but it doesn’t give me the willies. This feeling is different—new—and I kind of like it.



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