Page 6 of The Orc Boss

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The sound of boots crunching gravel caught my attention. I dropped to my feet and crouched behind the side of the dumpster, making myself hidden to whoever was approaching. To my left, the other side of the alley that led to only Goddess knew where, a figure started to approach.

I opened my mouth to call out to them and demand who they were, but my voice came out as a strangled sound, my words dying in my throat. I shouldn’t be here. This was a bad idea.Fear seized my body as my blood pressure spiked. Plus, what had caused that loud noise? I’m pretty sure it was illegal to be starting firecrackers without a city permit. Did they even sell firecrackers this time of year?

I peered around the corner of the dumpster to see the figure growing taller and broader. He had the shoulders of an NFL quarterback in his prime. This must be how the protagonist felt watching the monster approach in all those slasher films I watched with Carter when we were first dating.It’s always the cheerleader who gets killed first, not the computer dork. You’ll be fine,I thought in a morbid effort to calm my pounding heart.

The hulking beast finally stepped into the fluorescent light, and I was able to see the orc clearly. I let out a breathless gasp as I sized him up—he was handsome. I don’t think I had ever seen such an attractive man before—orc or not. Long black hair cascaded around his broad shoulders; a strong, square jaw covered with five-o-clock shadow; white tusks poking out from two full lips, giving his mouth a perma-pout. He was wearing a white shirt and jeans, and the way his shirt clung to his chest, the cotton was giving its best effort to cover his defined pecs and thick biceps.

He stopped just a few feet away from the dumpster, my crouched body still out of his line of sight. His head was tilted down as he texted a message on his phone. I watched his forest green arm as he texted and then it dawned on me.Wait, is this MuscleMan?I don’t remember his skin being such a forest green, but then again, that profile picture was so grainy like it had been taken on an outdated flip phone, it was hard to make out anything.

Well, he may be bad at taking selfies, but at least the username checked out. He was a very muscly man. The orc slid his phone into his back pocket.

I sucked down a deep breath, gathering my courage.Be cool. Be sexy.“It’s about time you showed up,” I said as I slowly stood, making my presence known. I tried mustering the best fake husky voice I could—my sexy voice—but it sounded like I was recovering from a sore throat. I cleared my throat, speaking again in my regular voice, “I almost took care of business myself.”

He didn’t react. Didn’t jump. He just stared at me for a long moment with curious eyes. “Business?” he asked after what felt like an eternity, his deep orcish accent making my skin prickle with delight. Goddess, no one had ever turned me on with just the sound of their voice before, had they? His eyes narrowed. “Who do you work for? Gregor?”

He took a step forward, crowding me against the wall and the dumpster so I could feel the heat off his body. A delicious mixture of fear and excitement pumped through my veins as I stared up at him. He was so tall; my head barely reached his chest. His question left me stunned beyond words. What was he talking about? Then it dawned on me—he was roleplaying. Sexy roleplaying.

I straightened my shoulders, regarding him through my eyelashes. “It doesn’t matter who I work for,” I said primly. “The question is, did you bring the package?”

“What package?”

Without breaking his gaze, I reached over and grabbed his crotch. Even underneath the fabric of his jeans, I could feel how well-endowed he was. My mouth and cunt ached simultaneously, both wetting with anticipation of being filled. “This package.” Without breaking eye contact, I started unbuckling his belt.

I could see his white teeth and tusks perfectly as he stared at me slack-jaw. He blinked quickly for a few moments until his brows knitted together, placing his green hand on mine before I unzipped his pants. “What are you doing?”

I pushed his hand away with a frustrated growl. “Enough pretending. Let’s get to it already.”

“Lass, I think you have the wrongoooorc—” He ended the word “orc” with a low moan, drawing out the “o” as I reached into his pants and pulled out his cock. He closed his eyes and tipped his head back as I stroked him from root to tip. His impressive length was already hard in my hand.

I stroked him again, a bead of pre-cum glistening at the tip that I wanted to lap up with my tongue. I looked up to see his eyes were closed and his full lips slightly parted, as a serene expression covered his face. Almost reverent. He was already achingly hard, and I had only given him a few half-hearted strokes. Either this orc was a monk, or it had been a long time since a woman had touched him.

I lowered my eyes from his serene face, admiring the thick column of his neck to his white shirt. This close, I could see there were a few blotches of red spots splattered across his chest. I squinted at his chest, an uneasy feeling turning my stomach. Something deep inside me warned me this was wrong, but I pushed it away.

It’s just red wine,I told myself to calm my nerves.He was probably nervous to meet up too and needed the help of liquid courage.

“Just like that, love,” he murmured, moving one of his arms to place a hand around the back of my neck. His palm was big enough to wrap around my neck, but his touch was oh-so-tender. I pushed my knees together as my pussy clenched, ready to be filled by his cock.

“I-I’m ready for you now, I have a condom in my purse if you don’t. Right here will be fine,” I said, my voice shaking a little with excited nerves. I ducked under his right arm and positioned myself against the dumpster. It wasn’t ideal and the height difference was going to be tricky, but it didn’t matter. I wanted him so badly; I would do it anywhere.

He wrapped his hand around my waist, peeling me away from the dumpster and back against the wall. He held my neck, forcing my eyes to meet his. “No. Not here. It’s too unsafe. We’ll go back to my place. It’s not much, but you deserve more than a back alley.” He dragged his finger down my cheek and across my jaw. He leaned forward, so our faces were only inches apart. The scent of his cologne filled my nose. And something else, something natural like earth after a heavy rain. Dark. Intoxicating. His natural scent. “I don’t know how I got so lucky to run into a beauty such as yourself, but I’ll be damned if I don’t take my time enjoying every bit of you.”

He tilted his head to the side and inched slightly closer, so his warm breath tickled my skin. I turned my head before we could kiss, his lips brushing across my mouth to my cheek.

“Sorry, we agreed to no kissing, remember?” I said with a nervous chuckle. When I met his eyes again, he didn’t look upset or angry. Even though I was holding his cock in my hand just moments ago, kissing still felt too intimate. I was here for one reason only: to get railed so hard by a stranger I can’t remember my ex-boyfriend’s name. Not develop feelings for someone else. There were boundaries for a reason. “Going to your place sounds nice, but I think it’s better if we stay here . . .” My eyes moved down his face to the stains on his shirt again. I knew what wine stains looked like, but these splotches were brighter. Heavier, almost. I couldn’t stop staring at them.

And that popping noise from earlier? What the hell was that?

“We agreed to nothing,” he rasped.

I lifted my chin to meet his intense gaze. I swallowed hard; my throat suddenly dry. I swallowed again as my mouth filled with a sharp metallic tang. “What’s that stain on your shirt?”

He didn’t look down to inspect the stains, like he already knew they were there. “Don’t worry about it. I just spilled some,” he paused, “tomato juice.”

“Oh. Right.” Uneasiness roiled in my stomach. Every instinct in my body screaming at me to run. My voice lowered to above a whisper. “It’s blood, isn’t it?”

His expression didn’t change. “I can take it off if it’s bothering you.”

My body trembled. I breathed slowly through my nose, trying to keep myself calm when my gut-reaction was to scream. “It’s not your blood?” I asked, but I already knew the answer. Of course it wasn’t. Just like how that popping noise wasn’t an out-of-season firecracker.

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