Page 7 of The Orc Boss

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The corners of his mouth tipped downward. “No.”

“You’re not MuscleMan69 . . .” I breathed. Suddenly, my flight-or-fight mode kicked into fight overdrive. I dug into my jacket pocket and retrieved my ring of keys, aiming the pepper spray directly in his face. “Let me go or I’ll spray you, motherfucker.”

He chuckled, examining the bottle of spray like I was showing him a cute ladybug. “It’s pointed backwards.” He tilted the bottle in my hand, so it was pointing in the right direction. He took a slight step back as he put his cock back into his pants. “Pepper spray doesn’t work well on orcs. It stings but it doesn’t stop us. I recommend bringing a taser for protection, or if you hang on this side of town a lot, a gun,” he said as he buckled his pants. I stared in horror, wondering if all murderers were this helpful or if he was just special. “I’m not going to hurt you,” he added. He seemed sincere, but I kept the spray trained on him. He sounded like he knew what he was talking about, but I couldn’t be sure.

He took another step backwards, holding his hands in the air. “I won’t move. I’ll stay here until you are back in your car. I promise.”

Was that bastard holding back a smile? My finger itched to press the trigger, just to wipe that smug look off his face. But I slowly side-stepped away from him, my back sliding against the brick wall, as I inched towards my car.

My hip bumped into the front of my car, and I froze, glaring at him, the spray still pointed in the air. But we were a few feet away, so I doubt it could reach that far. I was just afraid that as soon as I turned my back on him; he was going to charge. We stood there for a moment, staring at each other. The corner of his mouth wobbled as he held back a laugh.

“Go on, lass. I’ll stay here. Just promise me you’ll stay on your side of the city. It’s much safer.”

I bit back a snarky comment about him sounding just like my eighty-year-old neighbor because, unlike my neighbor, he was big enough to squash me like a bug.

“Hurry. Before I change my mind and decide to keep you forever,” he added with a dark chuckle.

I squeaked with fear, dropping the spray and rushing for my front door. My hands had enough time to connect with the door handle before something big rushed up behind me, wrapping an arm around my neck and slamming my back against a hard chest. I cried out in pain.

The arm tightened around my windpipe. “Shut up, bitch.” Something cold pressed against my temple.

I forced my eyes open. My date’s imposter was still standing in the alley, but this time he had a gun in his hands. It was pointed directly at me—No. It was pointed at the goblin behind me who held me pinned against his chest. My eyes burned as tears involuntarily welled up and down my cheeks.

“Put the gun down, Ansel, or I kill the bitch. I swear to the Gods I will.”

“What are you doing over here? This isn’t your territory. Gregor doesn’t like to group up his dealers. Makes me think this was supposed to be some kind of shitty setup.”

What are you doing? Put the gun down!I wanted to scream, but I was so afraid, my lips were frozen shut. I could only stare at Ansel with frightened, pleading eyes as rivulets of tears and snot ran down my face.

“Not shitty,” the goblin gritted out, his rancid breath and sweat making me cough. “It worked, didn’t it?” He pressed the gun harder against my head. I let out a low whine. “I’m serious, Ansel. Drop the gun.”

“Let her go,” Ansel growled. His gun didn’t move. He stared at the goblin with an expression that looked dangerous enough to kill.

The goblin huffed out a laugh. “Are you fucking kidding me? Let her go? Do you know how much a faerie bitch goes for on the market these days? I could make twenty grand easy. I know you think you’re better than the rest of us, but c’mon man, that’s a lot of fucking money.” His arm tightened around my neck, and I gasped, clawing at his skin for air. He only laughed. “Not until I get a turn with her first.” His arm finally loosened around my neck, and I sucked down a huge gulp of air. “But that can wait. I need to bring you to Gregor first. Business before pleasure, right?”

“Let her go!” Ansel snarled. He exhaled a deep breath, returning to his freakishly calm composure. Ansel turned his gun slowly until it was pointed directly at his own head. “I’ll kill myself if you hurt her.”

He laughed. “I don’t give a fuck what happens to you—”

“But Gregor does,” Ansel replied, the perfect image of calm. “I know you’re not an orc, but you’ve worked with Gregor long enough to know how bloodthirsty we are. If you were to bring me back already dead, stealing away the satisfaction of murdering me himself . . . Well, I can’t promise he won’t turn around and murder you instead, just to satisfy his bloodlust. But I don’t know, I could be wrong. Why don’t we test my theory?”

This orc is fucking crazy. Is he seriously egging on this goblin to kill him?

The goblin’s breathing quickened, grew more ragged, and I realized he was actually considering Ansel’s threat. It didn’t matter, you could never argue with a crazy person, and I could tell this goblin was truly unhinged. I squeezed my eyes shut, praying my death would be quick and painless. Seconds crept by as slowly as hours.

Ansel’s lips slowly grew into a sinister smile around his tusks. He held the gun firmly, almost proudly, against his head. “You know I’m right. If you leave now, I promise I won’t hunt you down.”

“Fuck!” the goblin finally screamed. He removed his arm from my neck and gave my back a hard shove, pushing me so hard that I fell forward. Ansel rushed forward to catch me before my body hit the hard pavement. He lifted me in his arms and started heading towards the other direction of the alley as my senses slowly returned.

Oh my goddess. Oh my goddess.I was still alive, but Ansel was carrying me away. Away from my car. In the distance, I was vaguely aware of sneakers slapping against pavement as the goblin fled in the opposite direction.

“Where are you going? My car is the other way!” He cradled me in his arms. I beat his chest and kicked my legs like a toddler throwing a tantrum. He ignored me, keeping his pace steady as we headed deeper into the alley.

“It’s not safe here,” he said in a low voice. “We need to go.”

“Help me!” I screamed, my voice echoing against the tall building walls. But I knew it was useless. The goblin was probably the only being in a five-mile radius. I was thoroughly screwed and not in the way I wanted. “Help!” I screamed louder. “Hey—ow!” Ansel threw me over his shoulder so he could move quicker.

“Let me go asshole!” My legs flailed behind me as my arms pounded on his back. It was making me a little dizzy with all the blood rushing to my head as I watched us travel through the alley backwards, but my body went completely still once we passed a body face down in a pool of his own blood. He could be anybody. Another stranger who, like me, had found himself on the wrong side of the city. But he hadn’t been so lucky . . . I would have thought that, except for the backwards baseball cap still somehow seated on his head.Pumping & Cumming.
