Page 61 of The Orc Boss

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I leaned forward in my seat, rubbing my free hand over my cheek. “I know. I know. I’m so sorry. It’s a really long story that I can’t really get into right now, but I promise to tell you everything as soon as I’m home.”

Marcie was quiet for a long moment. “When are you coming home? Work fucking blows without you.”

I sighed. “Day after tomorrow. Though we may have to start hanging outside of work, because I doubt Mr. Smith will let me back after being AWOL for so long.”

I could almost hear the smirk in her voice. “I don’t know. You might be surprised. Since you’ve been gone, I think the boss man has realized how much we all depend on you, thus how incompetent he really is. I wouldn’t be surprised if you came back expecting to be fired to find your desk has been upgraded to your own corner office with a nice, fat promotion.”

“Wow, seriously? That’s really good to hear.” I may have lost any hope at love but at least I still had my job. I cleared my throat, quickly changing the subject. “Marcie, I have a huge question to ask you, but you have to promise that it stays between us, okay?”

“Oh, you know how much I love secrets. Do you need help hiding a body?” She gasped. “Oh Jesus, did you kill Carter? Is that why you’ve been gone so long?”

I couldn’t help but chuckle. “No, I didn’t kill Carter, but I may have broken his nose.”

“Who are you and what have you done with my sweet Skye?!”

I held my phone away from my ear until Marcie was done screaming. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I promise I’ll tell you everything as soon as I’m home,” I quickly added, my ear still ringing from her loud voice. “But the reason I called you was because I wanted to ask if you’ve ever hacked into a security system before.”

“Hmm. No. I’ve dabbled, but never had a reason to break into a security camera. But honestly, if they’re connected to Wi-Fi, it can’t be too hard. I could probably search some how-to’s on the dark web and send you some links.”

“Yes! Thank you! I am going to send you the link to the camera I’m specifically looking at.” I opened the website of the camera Gregor was using, copied the link, and texted it to Marcie. “Please, if you could send it to me today that would be great. It’s really important.”

I could hear her typing on her keyboard in the background. “Already on it,” Marcie said. “Anything to avoid doing my actual job.”

“Thanks, you’re the best.” We said our goodbyes, Marcie threatening to spill the secret to the entire office that my grandmother wasn’t dead if I didn’t tell her everything soon. I promised her one last time I would and ended the call.

I shook the wine bottle. Great, it was empty. Since I had the call crossed off my list, all I had left was to go back inside and face Ansel. And with my buzz gone, that idea made me positively miserable.I think I would rather walk right back into Carter’s office than face Ansel right now.

“Skye.” Ansel’s deep voice coming from behind me made me jump in my seat. I turned my head, peering over my shoulder as he approached. His hands were shoved into his pockets and his shoulders were bent forward. He looked uncomfortable, almost guilty, as if he was just as nervous to talk to me too.

Ansel nervous? That was new.

“Hey, I was coming back inside,” I said, standing to my feet. I smoothed my skirt and rounded the bench, facing him. I held out my phone and waved it in his direction. “I called my friend. She’s going to forward me some links that will hopefully be helpful—” I cut myself off, narrowing my eyes at him. He wasn’t slowing down. If anything, he was quickening his pace, quickly closing the gap between us. “Ansel, what are you doing?”

He held my head as his lips crashed into mine with a fierce kiss. My entire body tensed, confusion clouding my thoughts. Eventually, my body relaxed against his, quickly melting into his warmth. He continued to kiss me until my mouth yielded, my lips parting, granting entry for his hungry tongue. The faint tang of smoke filled my mouth as his tongue explored, our kiss deepening even more.

It felt like a century had passed by the time he pulled away. He held my head though, forcing my chin to stay tilted up as he stared down at my face. I was glad he was holding me up because the ground beneath my feet felt as sturdy as jelly.

I let out a small gasp as his erection bumped into me. Even through his jeans, I could feel his hardness.

I took a deep, shuddering breath as I summoned enough strength to meet his intense eyes. “Why?” I asked. What I had really meant to ask was,Why the hell did you do that?But that kiss had left me so dizzy, I couldn’t string two words together.

Ansel continued to study my face, his eyes lingering on my swollen lips, as if they held the answer to my question. He brushed the pad of his thumb across my cheek. Pieces of hair had fallen forward, framing his roguish features, and he was so beautiful at that moment that I wanted to cry.

“I’m sorry I can’t give you what you want,” he said. “But if you want this cock, I can at least give you that.”

Chapter twenty-six

“Butwhere?”Iaskedafter the initial shock of what he was offering me wore off. A mixture of fear and excitement caused my adrenaline to spike at the thought as my heart pounded against my chest. If we drove back to the warehouse now, I feared Ansel would lose his nerve and change his mind. We could get a hotel? Even that seemed too time-consuming and considering how stubborn Ansel was and how hard it was to get him to agree to this in the first place, every second was precious. I didn’t want to lose my one and only chance to be this close to him.

He laced his fingers through my hand, pulling me forward. “This way,” he said, leading me towards the underpass.

He wants to do it there?I thought wildly.I guess it’s a step up from an alley.

I followed him into the underpass. It was secluded and dark enough that no one could see us hiding in the shadows unless they entered the tunnel.

Once we knew we were safe, he pushed me up against the wall. His body caged mine as he grabbed my chin, tilting my head upward to his. He bent forward, meeting my lips with a ravenous kiss. I moaned into his mouth as our kiss deepened. There was so much dragging teeth, the press of his tongue against the inside of my mouth, the scratch of his stubble, and the two pricks of his tusks pressing into my cheeks—it was almost too stimulating. My skin turned hot and sensitive; my head was quickly swimming with lust.

This was what Ansel was like completely unrestrained. And to think he had been holding back before.
