Page 85 of Wicked Heir

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He stared at it for a moment.“What does it mean?”

“The Richardson deal we partnered with them on . . .they’ve been skimming us. Look here,” I pointed to the pertinent part. “You can’t trust Antonio De Sanctis. He wants a bratva alliance to line his own pockets. Marrying into that family will bring us nothing but an enemy as a family member.”

Viktor took the paper and folded it, tucking it into his leather jacket. “I don’t know about that. I have to think about it. But Idoknow you’ve grown weak over something again, and it’s time to cut out the rot.”

Rough shouts and Niko’s mocking chuckle came from the corridor. I looked at Max, and he nodded slightly. If Nikolai came into the room dragging Molly, I’d shoot him and my father dead on the spot and deal with the fallout later.

I tensed, ready to pull my gun as Niko reached us. He threw a body onto the floor in front of Viktor’s desk.

It wasn’t Molly.

It was her father, Henry.

Henry rolled over, and his blood dotted the ground. I’d hesitated too long deciding what to do with the man, and the decision had been plucked from my hands.

“Henry Madison. I can’t quite believe it’s you. It’s been a few years, hasn’t it?” Viktor crouched by Henry’s head.

Henry wasn’t looking good after a few weeks in solitary confinement at the safe house.He slumped, staring mutely at Viktor.

“The interest on the amount I loaned you would be astronomical by now, but that debt was settled long ago.” Viktor laughed.

Henry frowned, clearly confused.

“Don’t you know? I should thank you. My son returned to me to forgive your debt. And what a fine made man he’s become. He takes after me,” Viktor said roughly. “However, your daughter is a bit of a fly in the ointment. She’s still his greatest weakness, it seems.” He leaned back and focused back on me. “Kirill, son, I know you’re having fun, but it has to end. I’ve been clear that I won’t tolerate anything getting in the way of the marriage. Anything or anyone that does will be removed. Do you understand? I’ll remove her permanently, and like your knee, you’ll learn to adjust.”

Hate poured from my eyes toward the man who called me his son. I wanted to wring the life from him with my bare hands, but I was outnumbered here. Viktor’s men looked on, and Niko was on our father’s side. I had Max and Ivan. Only the sight of Ivan tapping out a quick message on his phone stopped me from pulling my gun and attempting to kill Viktor. I’d go down, too, but at least Molly would be safe.

“Do you understand me, Kirill?” Viktor repeated, needing to make sure I kowtowed to him.

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak.

Viktor sighed. “Nikolai, I think he needs a hand.”

Nikolai moved from his position on the wall and flowed toward me. I turned to meet him, ready for a fight that would take everything out of me. I’d fought Nikolai countless times. We were evenly matched, but I was distracted and off-balance at the thought of Molly being in danger.

But as Nikolai drew close, he pivoted and ducked. When he rose, his face was splattered with a patina of blood.

“There we go. That’ll make it easier to let her go. I’m doing you a favor, son. She’ll hate you, but she’ll be alive,” Viktor said, sounding proudly sadistic.

I looked down at Henry, gurgling on his own blood where Nikolai had slit his throat.

I watched Molly’s father die, and my heart plummeted to my toes.

* * *

Once Ivan confirmedthat Olga had protected Molly, I went to Pravda and drank. I needed to go and let Olga and Molly out of the panic room, but I needed space to breathe first. If I saw Molly now, I wouldn’t be able to hide my turmoil. Weak men made poor decisions.

It didn’t matter how much I downed; I was painfully conscious. A clock was ticking in my head, reminding me that my time with Molly had run out. I had to act or lose her forever. The music rose and swelled around me as I left the club. A woman or two tried to tempt me into dancing as I passed, but I brushed them aside.

I hadn’t been lying the other night when I’d told Molly that she was all I saw and thought about. Other women didn’t exist. In this world, there was only her and me.

Ivan drove me home, watching me in the rearview mirror.

“Don’t fuss, Vanya,” I warned him as I got out of the car in front of The Tower.

My gruff, oldest friend shrugged. “I don’t like to see you like this.”

“How is that?”
