Page 4 of My Romeo Holidate

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I look from her down to the photo again. There’s something familiar about those eyes, but I can’t put my finger on it.

“And you’re sure she wants to go out with me?” I ask.

Maddie nods. “I messaged her this morning for you, and she just messaged back saying that she wants to meet you for coffee this afternoon. Should I tell her?”



The familiar sounds of the coffee shop remind me of my time back in college. The hours I spent studying, writing, and dreaming up what was to come in the next stages of my life were filled with such hope. I guess we’re all guilty of romanticizing what our life will become, but all too often, the crushing reality of what it does become makes you look back at your old self and think— what a chump.

“Order up for Julianne!”

I glance up from my table near the windows and look around to see if there is really a Julianne waiting for her order or if the barista just misheard me when I gave him my name.

“Mocha for Julianne!” he yells again, looking around annoyed.

“That’s me,” I say, pushing to my feet and walking over to the counter.

The rich blend of espresso and chocolate fills my nose, and I take a sip of the hot liquid goodness. I’ve spent most of the early afternoon shopping for Valentine’s decorations to put up in the bar and missed out on a much-needed caffeine fix this morning when Ben pushed me out the door. When my date messaged me about meeting up to get coffee, it seemed like fate was calling my name.

I return to my table and check my phone for the time— he’s late. So much for fate leading me into the arms of a caffeine lover like myself.

I’ve never been one for playing games when it comes to dating. I’m pretty much a straight shooter. If it wasn’t for the coffee in front of me, I’d probably be grabbing my stuff and heading for the door. The idea of thinking it’s some kind of power move to leave someone waiting when you’ve made plans to meet them is not something I’m willing to put up with. It’s about respect for the other person.

I take a few more long pulls from my mug, emptying it quickly. This is what I get for thinking that a dating app was going to find me a happily ever after.

Just as I take the last sip, I notice a guy standing across the road bouncing on the balls of his feet, looking both ways before he can cross through traffic. I watch as he gives up waiting for the light to slow down traffic, and he darts across the road, narrowly missing being hit by a food truck. His cheeks are pink like he’s just run here, and my annoyance of being made to wait eases.

When he walks in, he looks around the shop. His eyes stop on me and widen slightly like I’m not what he was expecting.

“AbovetheFold?” he asks, using my username from the app.

I nod. “StocksandShots?”

He looks confused for a moment. “That’s the name she gave me?”

“Excuse me?”

“Never mind.” He shakes his head. “I’m so sorry I kept you waiting. I had a run-in with someone as I left work to meet you. Have you been waiting very long?”

I look down at my empty mug, regretting how quickly I drank it. Now it looks like I was waiting longer than I was.

“Not too long,” I say.

“Can I get you another?” he asks, pointing over his shoulder at the counter.

I nod once. “Mocha, please.”

“You got it.”

I can’t take my eyes off him as he walks over to the register and puts in our order. He’s tall with a face full of scruff that makes me want to run my hand down his cheek. There’s no mistaking confidence in him as he speaks to the barista, but a note of uncertainty when he glances over at me. I don’t miss the way his eyes take in the shopping bags sitting at my feet.

He waits at the counter for our order before walking each of the hot mugs over to me.

“Here we go,” he says, setting my drink down in front of me. “I don’t know about you, but I always need a caffeine fix in the afternoon or I’m useless for the rest of the day.”

“A man after my own heart.”
