Page 7 of My Romeo Holidate

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Over the next few days leading up to Valentine’s Day, Roman and I find any free moment we had to sneak over to see the other. He had to be way more careful than me when coming over to our side of the street in case Ben saw him. I, on the other hand, didn’t have to be so cautious like today when Roman’s cousin, Maddie, was quick to catch us making out behind his bar in the alley when she was carrying out an empty keg.

“Hey Juliette,” she calls out to me as Roman is practically dry, humping me against the back wall. “You’ve got something on your face.”

Roman and I both laugh against each other’s lips, and he steps back, setting me down on my feet.

“I guess we might need to find a more practical place for our rendezvous,” I whisper to Roman.

“I’ve heard someone mention there’s a bed upstairs.” he points up towards the windows to his apartment above the bar.

Maddie clears her throat loudly, and we both turn to look at her. She’s trying to hold back the shit-eating grin on her face, but she isn’t successful.

“Need I remind you today is Valentine’s Day, and you can’t leave all the preparation work for tonight’s Valentine’s party to the rest of us,” she says to Roman. “I already covered for you last night when you snuck out on last night’s Rom-Com Trivia.”

Roman closes his eyes like he’s actually in pain to be pulled away from me, but I think that has more to do with the hard press of his cock against my leg.

“I get it, Maddie,” Roman sighs over his shoulder to her. “I’ll be right in.”

I’d offer him up a quickie before he had to go back in, but I’m not about to let our first time together be in an alley not ten feet from the dumpster. I mean, a girl has needs, but she has to draw a line somewhere.

“I’m just saying—” Maddie continues, but Roman cuts her off.

“I said I would be right in.”

Maddie chuckles to herself as she walks away. She’s no fool. She knows exactly why he needs a moment.

“It’s cruel that we haven’t found a moment we can be together for more than a few minutes at a time,” he says, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close against his hard body.

I loop my arms around his neck as he leans down into the crook of my neck. The warm puffs of his breath on my neck sends shivers down my spine, and I seriously restart thinking the cons of alley sex.

“I know, especially since it’s Valentine’s Day.”

“Speaking of which,” Roman says, leaning back slightly to meet my gaze. “I hope you don’t have any Valentine’s plans tonight.”

“Well, first, there’s Bubba from the truck stop I have to meet up with, and then—”

Roman clamps his hand down over my mouth. “I know you’re joking but god help any guys named Bubba I cross paths with tonight.”

“You’re cute when you get jealous,” I say under his palm.

He removes his hands and crushes his lips against mine. It takes my breath away, and I swear I forget my name whenever he’s touching me.

“You are my Valentine,” he says when he finally breaks the kiss, so we can take in a breath. “Got it?”

“Got it.” I smile, but the feeling of happiness is short-lived. I can’t help but think about the fact that I’m sneaking around behind Ben’s back. Even after all he did for me when I had nowhere else to turn. He doesn’t deserve this.

“You’re worried about Ben.” Roman already knows me so well that he can read my thoughts.

I nod. “I need to tell him the truth. I can’t keep lying to him about where I’m sneaking off to when I come to see you.”

Roman thinks for a moment like he’s trying to find the best way to break the news to my brother.

It wasn’t his idea to keep what was going on between us a secret. It was mine. I’d intended on telling Ben everything that first day when Roman walked me back after our first date at the coffee shop. But the moment I saw him walk out of the bar and start setting up the patio seating, I panicked and pushed Roman down the nearest alleyway and made him promise that he’d let me tell him in my own time.

“I should be there when you tell him,” he says, pushing a lock of my hair behind my ear.

I lean into his touch, allowing the comfort of his closeness to wash over me. I’d be lying to myself if I didn’t say I was already falling in love with Roman. Everything is more when I’m with him. The coffee we share in the morning at the coffee shop tastes better. The roses he gave me yesterday for no reason other than he wanted to surprise me smelled sweeter. His touch makes my body light up in a way that I’ve never felt with anyone else before.
