Page 18 of Daddy's Arms

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Unable to contain her excitement for a moment longer, Olivia grabbed her phone and hit the call button.

“Hey, rock star!”

Olivia laughed at the exuberant greeting. “Hey, yourself. Is it weird that I can’t stop staring at myself?”

“Hell, no! I’ve been checking out your beautiful brown eyes all day.”

“You don’t look so bad, yourself, you know.”

“I look fucking hot. But I’m not the cover model. Dinner tonight to celebrate?”

“Can’t. James is taking me out. How about tomorrow?”

“It’s a date! See you then, babe!”

After she ended the call, Olivia packed up her computer and the paperwork she wanted to work on later that night. She slung the laptop bag and purse over her shoulder and headed for the door. James was just shutting down his computer when she paused in the doorway of his office.

God, he was gorgeous. He wasn’t super buff like the men on the covers of the romance novels Patty was always reading. But he was tall and lean, with wiry muscles that belied the strength rippling underneath his smooth business attire.

And when he looked up at her, those crystal blue eyes stole her breath.

“Hey,” she said, suddenly feeling a shyness she hadn’t felt since the early days of their marriage.

“All done for the day, little one?”

Oh, how she loved that nickname. Everything inside of her went soft and warm whenever he used it. “Yes, Sir.”

The blue of his eyes heated. “Where would you like to go to dinner?”

They had a dozen options, just within a mile radius of the office. But there was only one place she wanted to be in that instant. “Home.”

His eyes locked on her, James rose from his seat and slipped his laptop bag over his shoulder. “You’re sure?”

Need rose up in her, so strong it nearly brought her to her knees. Heart thundering with each step he took, she watched in helpless fascination as he approached her. Stalked her. A sleek, regal jungle cat on the prowl, and her the helpless little bunny caught in his crosshairs.

Stopping just in front of her, he lifted a hand to her cheek. “We could go anywhere you want. This is your celebration.”

“I know. I want to go home. I want…” The words stuck in her throat.

“Tell me, little one.”

She swallowed. This had never come easy for her, articulating her wants, her needs, her desires. “I want you to use me.”

The smile that curved his lips was slow and wicked. He moved his hand to her neck, his strong fingers encircling her throat. Her pulse beat a steady, if far too fast, rhythm against the palm of his hand.

“Is that what you want? To be Daddy’s little plaything for the night?”

Swallowing hard against the sudden lump in her throat, she managed to force out a response. “Yes.”

“Ask me nicely.”

The heat that flooded her cheeks was a heady combination of embarrassment and desire. “Will you please take me home and fuck me hard, Daddy?”

Stroking the skin of her throat with his thumb, he nodded. “Since you asked so sweetly, little one, I would be happy to. You go on home. Take a shower and be waiting for me in our bedroom.”

“You’re not coming with me?”

“I’m going to stop at the store. I plan on working up an appetite tonight.”
