Page 32 of Daddy's Arms

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“Yeah. It was weird.” Wiggling her shoulders, Olivia tried to shake off the unsettled feeling that came with the memory of two homicide detectives sitting in her living room.

“Way weird. You going to the funeral and stuff on Wednesday?”

“I don’t know. James thinks we should.”

“Which means you’ll go. What?” Shannon asked when Olivia frowned at her. “Where goes James so goes your kingdom or whatever.”

“It’s not like that.” It was, of course, exactly like that. And Shannon understood, or at least she had once upon a time, so Olivia knew it shouldn’t bother her so much to be reminded that at the end of the day, her husband’s word was law.

And yet, in moments like this, it did, for reasons that still escaped her.

“What’s not like what?”

At the question from the backseat, Shannon shot Olivia an apologetic look before her expression shifted to more of a smirk and she twisted to talk to MaryAnn. “Just teasing Liv here about how bossy her sexy husband can be.”

“Tell me about it.” Another surprised gasp, as if she couldn’t quite believe she’d said such a thing out loud. “I’m so sorry, Mrs. Monroe. I didn’t mean anything by it.”

Mirroring Shannon’s stance, Olivia shot the other woman a wide grin. “Don’t apologize. If anybody knows how bossy James is, it’s me. I’ve lived with him for way longer than the rest of you. And I swear I’m going to make you take a shot of tequila for every time you call me ‘Mrs. Monroe’ tonight.”

“Oh, I don’t usually do shots.” A shy smile, as if she was getting away with something particularly naughty, curved MaryAnn’s lips. “But you’re the boss, Olivia.”

“That’s better.”

“So, um, this might be really out of line but is Mr. Monroe that, you know, ‘bossy’ at home, too?”

The sound Shannon made was something between a cough and hyena’s laugh, which had Olivia shooting her a glare as her brain scrambled for an answer. “He can be,” she finally managed, wishing a hole would appear and swallow her so she could avoid this conversation altogether.

“That’s…kind of sexy.” Red crept up MaryAnn’s neck and she slapped a hand over her mouth, her eyes dancing with mischief.

“It is. It’s really sexy, actually.” Even if it sometimes embarrassed her, there was no denying the effect her husband’s bossy ways had on her body.

Desperate to change the subject, Olivia looked out the window, trying to gauge their surroundings. “Where is this place, anyway? I’m starving.”

“Right here, Miss Impatient.” Rolling her eyes, Shannon pushed open the door of the SUV and climbed out. The restaurant was packed with people, and the music blaring out of the speakers was no match for the roar of conversation.

“Why are there so many people on a Monday?” Olivia asked, her stomach already protesting at the thought of having to wait for a table.

“I told you.” Hooking an arm with Olivia and MaryAnn, Shannon escorted them up the stairs. “Jumbo margaritas! But we have a reservation.”

“Wright, party of three.” At the hostess station, Shannon raised her voice to be heard over the din. “I called this afternoon.”

With a bright if somewhat harried-looking smile, the hostess grabbed their menus and gestured for them to follow her. “Perfect timing! Your table just opened up. Come with me.”

They followed her through the crowded restaurant to a small booth tucked in a corner. Olivia slid onto the bench, grateful to be somewhat insulated from all the noise. Judging by the slightly stunned look on MaryAnn’s face, she was in the same boat.

The second the hostess left, a waiter appeared with a basket of chips and salsa. “Can I get you ladies something to drink?”

From across the table, Shannon winked before giving him their order. “Three jumbo margaritas.”

James hadn’t said how big her ‘one drink’ could be, but she still felt a twinge of guilt. She should have run the whole jumbo margarita thing past him before she’d left. But he’d said one drink, and she was planning to just have the one.

That small voice, the one that urged her to be a good girl and listen to Daddy, whispered that he wasn’t going to be amused by her reasoning. But the waiter had already disappeared, and it would be beyond mortifying to call him back and change her order. Especially with an already too-curious MaryAnn seated beside her.

“How’s work going? Sell anything good lately?” Dipping a chip in the salsa, Shannon popped it in her mouth, munching happily. The woman ate like a linebacker, but still somehow managed to stay rail thin. If Olivia didn’t love her so much, she might have hated her for it.

Scooping up her own share of salsa, Olivia shrugged. “Not since the last time we talked. But I’ve got this pain in the ass couple. Won’t agree to lowering the price, won’t do anything to improve the property. Fuck, I can’t even get them to do the dishes when we have someone coming for a walkthrough.”

“Ugh.” Shannon wrinkled her nose in obvious disdain. “Those are the worst. Have you told James?”
