Page 43 of Daddy's Arms

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“Listen to Daddy and follow your rules.”

“There’s my good girl. Now, give me your hairbrush so I can make sure the lesson sinks in good and proper.”

“It has, I swear!”

“Last chance, Olivia. Brush.”

She wanted to argue, or to wiggle off his lap and flee to the safety of her bathroom. But that would only delay the inevitable and make it worse in the end. So, she lifted the brush and offered it to her Daddy.

“Thank you. I know it’s hard to be obedient when it means getting your bottom paddled. I appreciate you being my good girl.”

“I don’t feel like a good girl,” she whispered.

“Oh, baby. You are my good girl. You were very naughty, and Daddy is going to make sure you know better next time. But you’re always my good girl.”

The guilt that had dug its talons in so deep that morning finally began to lessen its grip. Nodding her understanding, she relaxed over his knee, signaling that she was ready to accept the rest of her punishment. James tightened his grip on her hand and moved his right leg over hers. Testing his hold, she wiggled a bit, but she was well and truly stuck. She wasn’t going anywhere until her Daddy had made sure she was very, very sorry.

The first crack of the brush against her bare skin made her yelp, and despite being pinned down, she still jerked like a fish on a line. A second blow fell on the opposite cheek, leaving twin squares of pain emblazoned across her bottom.

Steady and predictable, the brush connected with her bottom over and over. Under different circumstances she might have enjoyed the dependable rise and fall of his chosen implement. She would have relaxed under the soothing cadence, even though her bottom burned with each stroke.

Her current situation didn’t allow for such enjoyment. The wood of the brush was cruel and unyielding, and each stroke felt like it was flaying her alive.

It wasn’t long before the pain was more than she could bear. “Daddy, please! I’m sorry!”

Without so much as pausing in his assault on her poor bottom, her Daddy answered her in low, comforting tones. “I know you are, little one.”

With his leg over hers, she couldn’t kick her feet, so she settled for drumming her toes on the floor. She managed to twist her torso away from him, but he barely missed a beat when he released her hand and wrapped his arm around her waist.

The spanking stopped again, and Olivia lay over her Daddy’s knee, gasping for breath. Was he finished? A strange mixture of relief and disappointment swamped her. It didn’t feel like he was finished, so why was he stopping?

His cool hand rubbed her bottom and she sighed under his soothing touch. “Why did I give you such a strict drink restriction last night, little one?”

“Um.” She struggled to think straight through the fog of pain and the distracting pleasure of his hand rubbing her bottom. “You were worried.”

“Why was I worried?”

The guilt dug in deep again. “Because Angela got hurt.”

“That’s right. So, I wanted you to be alert and aware of your surroundings in case someone tried to hurt you too.”

“I know.”

“Then why didn’t you listen?”

“I was embarrassed.” The confession passed her lips in a whisper, but the truth of it echoed in her soul like the roar of a wounded lion.

“Embarrassed? Because you have a Daddy who loves you and wants to keep you safe?”

A single tear slipped down her nose and plopped onto the carpet. “Sort of.”

Daddy squeezed her aching bottom, making her hiss at the flash of pain. “We discussed this, Olivia. You said you wanted your Daddy back.” The hurt and confusion in his voice gave the guilt inside of her an even firmer hold.

“I do, I promise, it’s just…sometimes I still get embarrassed.”

“By my rules?”

“No. Yes, sort of, but that’s not all of it.” God, why was it still so hard, after so long, to say it out loud? “It’s embarrassing how much I like this. How much I love being your little girl.”
