Page 124 of Ace of All Hearts

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Sam pulls away from me just to bite harshly into Lik’s shoulder. I feel him whimper against my neck before biting into it.

I scream at the strength he puts into it. I’m not sure if the wetness I feel on my skin is sweat, his spit, or blood. I don’t care anymore.

Words have escaped us. Nothing could accompany our moans and whimpers anyway.

Sometimes, letting the animal in you take over is better than trying to put a human explanation to your passion.

Lik’s thumb comes to stroke my clit, and it takes only a few seconds for me to explode against him. All my body has been waiting for is the most basic touch as pleasure detonates from my lower belly. My hips thrust, my pussy clenches, and my nails dig into Rachel’s wrists. I’m screaming too loudly to comprehend anything around me anymore.

I feel Lik coming from the result of my own orgasm, and Sam is soon to follow. His eyes are on me when he does so. His face is scrunched and his mouth agape.

He falls onto Lik and me as soon as he’s done, his arms not supporting him anymore.

We’re just a panting, sweaty mess as everything falls back into silence. None of us can move, and I won’t be the first. I can already feel sleep trying to grab me and lock me in. My body has no energy left, and the orgasm has taken everything I had left.

My eyelids are heavy, and I don’t even care that two bodies are crushing me to death.

This is it.




Stick Around- ENVYYOU

After showering and putting some fresh clothes on, I walk into Sam and Lik’s room. Rose is fast asleep in their bed, on her front. Her hair is wet and despite being under the covers, I can guess she’s completely naked and clean.

Lik is sitting on top of a wooden chest of drawers that looks like an antique. He’s topless but wearing a black pair of sweats. Sam is standing right in front of him between his legs, wearing nothing but a pair of tight black boxers. I’m thankful for the little clothes they have. I love them, but I’ve seen enough of their dicks lately.

Sam is an impressive beast to look at. Entirely covered in ink, his back sports the giant tattoo of two dragons fighting. His muscles ripple as he wraps his arms around Lik’s waist and rests his head on his shoulder. Lik plays with strands of his boyfriend’s hair and drops a kiss on the top of his head. They both have wet hair, and it’s nice to see Sam without his usual hairdo. He looks more relaxed, more approachable.

I lay against the doorframe as I watch them whisper sweetness to each other.

“Are you sure?” Sam is telling him. “I just want to spoil you. Why won’t you let me?”

“We can do it when Rose wakes up,” Lik whispers back. “You can spoil the both of us at the same time.”

“I don’t mind doing it twice. You submit to me, and I take care of you. That’s the deal.”

“I promise I’m fine. It can wait.”

They breathe against the other for a minute, taking the other in. Before officially turning into a stalker, I let my presence be known by walking further in and sitting on the bed next to Rose.

“I don’t know how you got her to shower before she fell asleep,” I tell them as I put a hand in her hair. Instantly, she buries herself against me and nudges me. I softly scratch her scalp in light motions since it seems that she needs to be petted even in her sleep.

They both acknowledge me in their own way. Lik gives me a small wink and Sam lets his boyfriend go to turn around and smile softly at me. From behind, Lik locks his arms around his neck and nestles against him.

“She practically fell asleep on us,” Sam confirms.

My eyes dart to the small heart tattooed on his hip. The one that has an R in it. It matches Rose’s, except hers has an S.

“You know…” I chuckle to myself and shake my head, feeling embarrassment creep up my neck. “No, never mind.”

“What?” Lik insists.

“Forget I said anything,” I smile.
