Page 19 of Ace of All Hearts

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It’s Sam’s finger rubbing harshly against my clit.

It’s his other hand that comes to caress my cheek.

It’s Lik’s powerful thrust and the kiss he drops on my shin, so different from the violence battling inside all of us right now.

I can’t see it, but I can imagine it clearly. His eyes focused on where his cock meets my boiling heat. His head tilting to the side slightly, where my long leg rests on his shoulder, and his plump lips cherishing the moment they meet with my burning skin.

I do exactly as Sam asked. I scream his name as I explode. It’s muffled by his big cock, not giving a chance for my word to be heard.

I let go of everything and let my body take over. I let my primal needs follow the movements and the pleasure they bring. They both pull out practically at the same time, and they come on me. One on my face and throat, one on my stomach. Lik moans loudly, and Sam hisses like it hurts him to have pleasured himself using the girl he used to protect against this harsh world.

They take long, extending their golden moment and making sure they cover me as much as they can, marking me with the warmth and heaviness of their cum.

None of them untie me. They step away from the bed and I come to realize how heavy my head feels, the blood putting pressure on my face from the inside.

A whimper escapes my sore throat. My head hurts, and my body is starting to shiver.

“Untie me,” I rasp.

One of them grabs my shoulders and slides me down onto the bed so my head isn’t hanging anymore. I can now see theirs above me. Sam’s is flushed, his pale skin showing the fact that he’s just exercised and orgasmed from it. Lik’s eyes shine with a type of gold you only hear about in myths. A drop of sweat is running down his temple and he wipes it with the back of his hand.

I expect the cuffs to come off next. Nothing.


“I want you to take time to think about what you’ve done today. You were jealous and angry because Rachel followed us without asking your permission. She enjoyed herself independently from what you allowed her, and you couldn’t take it. Because you’ve taken a liking to Lik and he still sides with me, you didn’t like that. And because you hate the fact that I can own every single one of you. Yes, including your free self.”


“I’m talking, and you will listen.”

I pinch my lips together, the cum there tastes salty. I have no room to negotiate right now, I just want them to untie me. I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself. I can pretend I’m listening until he undoes the cuffs and then fight my case.

“You wanted to hurt Rachel by showing her anyone can still have you. You wanted to pretend to Lik that you don’t care that much about him. And you wanted to tell me I can’t control you. Someone died because of your vindictive jealousy, because you want everyone at your feet and to want you.”

He runs his fingers through the cum on my neck and up my chin. He pries my mouth open and pushes it in. I instinctively lick his fingers, swirl my tongue around them and swallow his cum. And I curse my body for it. Curse the fact that I’m too weak and dumb from pleasure to fight back.

He smiles. “Icancontrol you, Rose. And not only will I train you until you accept it fully, but I will also let Lik play with you however he wants. And I will take time and effort to teach Rachel she can own you until that smart little brain of yours has turned you into a total dumb slut for her and all of us.”

My breathing has accelerated and grown ragged from the rage building inside me.

“Is that what you want?” I ask him. I wish my voice was stronger than the squeak it currently is, but it’s impossible after the torture they put my throat through. “You want to kill the Volkovs, and then instead of killing me as you promised, you want to turn me intothis.” I point at myself with my tied hands, at the mess I currently am. “You want nothing else but to use me?”

He chuckles. “What’s worse for you? To die or to become my stupid, little slut who thinks of nothing else but begging for gratification?”

He knows the answer. He knows I think of death as a liberation from my unwanted life. And he knows I think of submission as torture.

“Isn’t it horrible to enjoy and hate something so much at the same time? To have a body that loves being used and a mind that fights every step of the way? You’d kill to be completely independent.” He shakes his head, a wide grin on his face as he prepares for the last blow. “And, fuck, it must be so hard to know that independence now belongs tome. Someone who knows you inside out and will turn every single part of your body and mind against you.” He smears more cum around my face, now forcing his thumb against my tongue as I try to fight him off. “I offered you everything you wanted, and you threw it back in my face.”

That’s not true. He left me after we all shared something special, and then offered me what I wanted to hear as a pathetic excuse.

“Think about that,” he concludes. “We’ll come back for you in a bit.”

He backs away, and I choke. “What?!” Their silence drives me mad. “What did you just say? Untie me!”

My thoughts close in on me as the shutting of the door resonates in the room. He shut the fucking door. Heshutit.

I scream so loud I taste blood in my mouth. I can imagine how I look, covered in their cum and the blood of the man he was too jealous to keep alive.
