Page 31 of Ace of All Hearts

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“I will never forgive you for the wrong you did to me. A part of me will always hate you and myself for it. But I’m in this for myself. And I’m in love. As long as I’m happy, I’m staying. This isn’t about you anymore, Rose. This is about me following what I truly want. And right now, it’s all of you. So you get to be my girlfriend for as long as I wish.”

She chuckles to herself. “What are we doing, Sunshine? How long are we going to keep hiding from your fiancé? How long are we going to keep playing with the mean boys? How can we keep calling each othergirlfriends? So many people are involved at this point.”

“Hey,” I pout. “You’re my girlfriend. I have literally zero other way to describe you. ‘Oh, do you know Rose?’, ‘Yeah, I do, she’s my girlfriend.’ ‘Have you seen, Rose?’, ‘Um, you mean my girlfriend? Yes, but I’m not telling you.’ ‘Hey, I’m Rachel, and this is my girlfriend, Rose.’”

She laughs at my acting show, and I put a hand on her thigh to squeeze it.

“I can find other ways to describe you,” she tells me.

“Oh yeah? Better thangirlfriend?” I challenge her.

“‘Course. My girl. My beautiful girl. My pretty sunshine. The girl I love to fuck. The gorgeous girl who makes me the happiest person on the planet. Oh, I know,” her eyes are glued to mine when she says, “the love of my life.”

“So cheesy,” I mock her.

“I can get cheesier.”

“No, thanks.” I pretend to push her away before bringing her back and doing it again. “Ugh, leave me alone, you big cheesy woman in love.”

She grabs my waist and keeps me close to her. “You wish, Sunshine.” Her fingers tickle my waist before coming to my stomach.

“No!” I shriek. “Don’t tickle me!” I explode in a laugh, letting it resonate in the room. “Rose, fuck off!”

“God, did you kiss your other boyfriends with that mouth?”

“Ew, I don’t kiss stinky boys.” I laugh.

“You better not,” she growls in my ear. “I don’t share these lips.”

“What a selfish woman you are,” I pant as I finally manage to get her away from me. We rest on our backs and take a break.

“My best quality,” she breathes.

“Rose,” I nudge her after a minute of silence. “Do you remember when we almost got caught in Mr. Ashton’s classroom?”

She bursts out laughing and grabs my hand, weaving her fingers through mine. “Why are you thinking about that?”

“I don’t know,” I shrug. “I often bring up the horrible high school moments. But we had so many good ones, too.”

“Fucking hell,” she huffs. “I was eating you out when he tried to open the door. Thank God we’d put the desk in front of the door.”

“Yeah, except I was sitting on said desk, and he probably heard me screaming your name as he tried to get in.” I blush at the thought of it.

“No wonder he hated me,” she snickers. “What about when your mom came back early from her day at the country club?”

“Oh my god,” I giggle. “I was fingering you on the kitchen table!”

“You had me hide in your kitchen pantry…” My chortle cuts her off, but she keeps going. “…naked.”

“You had to wait forsolong,” I laugh hysterically.

“How many times can a woman talk about another woman’s haircut?” she practically chokes. “God, your mom is bored.”

“And boring,” I confirm. “You know, we talk about our sex, but we did tons of other things together.”

“I know,” she smiles.

“You used to take me to my favorite breakfast place.”
