Page 5 of Ace of All Hearts

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I escaped because I didn’t have a choice. It was a life-or-death decision and I was barely conscious when Aaron Williams drove me away.

And now here we are again. Viktor and I reunited in a Stoneview café as if we had never met because I was kidnapped in the first place.

“You thought I wasn’t coming to get you, didn’t you?”

My eyes don’t quite reach his, and I can’t tell if it’s out of respect or fear. The only thing that matters right now is Viktor and the noise of the café becomes a dull background.

It takes me a minute to gather myself and finally look straight at him, bracing myself for how I know my body will react.

The small lines at the corner of his bright blue eyes crease as he smiles. For such a strong, elegant man, he’s always had a brazen smile.

I can’t reply to his questions. My heart is beating too loudly in my ears, and I can’t hear my own thoughts. His blond hair, almost white, is combed back and his dark blue suit shows the stylish, neat man he is.

“I made a promise to you, didn’t I? I never break a promise. You, of all people, should know that.”

“It’s been more than two months,” I finally push past the tightness in my throat.

Of course, Viktor always said he’d find me if I left. It never felt like a threat, though, more like a reassurance. He’s not the reason I wanted to escape the Wolves’ compound.

His wife was.

His jealous, harpy of a wife who made sure my life was a living hell.

And since the moment I woke up in that hospital bed, I have always known he would find me. I feel stupid and ashamed for fearing he wouldn’t keep his promise.

It seems since we met, Viktor has had the power of reading my mind.

He doesn’t say anything to me. He turns to one of the servers and asks her to turn up the volume on the news channel. My heart drops in my stomach when I see what’s featured.

The afternoon talk has already been halted by a breaking news banner, and the anchor is changing topics quickly.

“Breaking news. It has now been confirmed that the body found in the Silver Snake River is Yelena Volkov, wife of notorious gangster Viktor Volkov.”

My mouth falls open, my bottom jaw hanging heavily.

“Viktor…” I murmur in shock. “What did you do?”

In the background, the lady keeps talking.“The body was found earlier today in the part of the river that crosses the North Shore of Silver Falls, known for its criminal activities and gang-related crimes.”

For the first time since meeting Viktor, something is weird in how I feel. I hated Yelena because she was abusive to me. I never stopped to think that she was the wife and I was the mistress. She never stopped to think that I was the kidnapped, not-yet-eighteen-year-old teenager who was in survival mode.

And the only person who was manipulating both of us and in control of it all…was Viktor.

“She’d been warned enough times.”


“I told her if she put a hand on you again, she’d end up at the bottom of that river. Just like I told you I’d always find you if you ran. Ialwayskeep my promises.”

My whole body is so rigid my back and kidneys are starting to hurt. I can’t answer, the shock is too great.

I remember he said the words so lightly the first time he had mentioned he’d never let me go.

I keep my friends close and my enemies closer. But you, I will always keep the closest.

He also promised his wife he would kill her if she hurt me again. Yelena took pleasure in her jealousy, ensuring I’d always get hurt ‘accidently’. And now she’s gone because she cost Viktor my captivity.

“You doubted me.”
