Page 6 of Ace of All Hearts

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And how could I?

“I did,” I admit, shame engulfing me and feeling childish for thinking he would never find me again. Of course, he would. I tuck strands of my hair behind my ears like a teenager talking to her crush for the first time, unsure of what to say and waiting for him to take the lead.

“So,” he relaxes in his chair, and one of his hands lands on my thigh under the table, “time to come home.”

I nod even as reluctance shows its head, spreading slowly and numbing my limbs. “I need a bit of time.”

He raises an eyebrow and I feel his hand shift on my thigh, but he doesn’t tighten his hold. He’s not a violent man.

That’s a lie.

He’s not a violent man tome.

“How long do you need?” His voice is a light inquisition, not a forceful push.

Of course, he doesn’t mind, because he knows eventually he’ll get me back. His patience gets him everything he wants.

Gulping, I look around us. Conflict is raging through my mind, splitting my guts. I want to see my twin, my friends,Rachel.

Sam and Lik!My heart screams.

No, fuck them and the manipulative war they’re waging against me.

Freedom is suffocating, and Viktor needs me. Making decisions for myself has only led me to terrible mistakes these past couple of months.

‘Protecting an abductor is very common after such a long time as a captive.’

I remember the detective telling me these words after I woke up in the hospital. Is this what I’m doing? Am I giving him excuses? Am I upset about Sam having a contract on him and his brother? I loathe Aleksei; I want nothing else but for him to die painfully.

But what about Viktor?

Do I want to go back?

“Rosalind,” he whispers softly, cutting through the storm of feelings overwhelming me. “I will give you all the time you need, but you will come back to me. You know why I need you.”

I feel my brows furrow. I do know why.

“You haven’t forgotten, have you?” he insists, now a tinge of worry in his voice. His entire organization rests on my shoulders, after all. Still, no anger.

“Of course not,” I tell him.

“Tell me how long you need, and I’ll give it to you.”

“I don’t know I—”

“How long.” His stern tone makes me wince internally.

“Give me a month—No, two.”

“Okay.” He nods as if it doesn’t bother him in the slightest. “I can’t just come and scoop you back to the compound.” He makes himself sound like a rational man. “Two months seems reasonable.”

He gets up and buttons his suit jacket. Holding the back of my neck, he bends down until his lips are against my ear. “I’ll see you in two months, Rosalind. Not one more day, not one moreminute. Say your goodbyes to Samuel. Whatever you have going on needs to be over by then.”

He drops a kiss to the top of my head and exits the café casually. As if he hadn’t walked in to drag me back out with him.

I let out a breath I wasn’t aware I was holding.

Two months. I can enjoy my free life for two more months.

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