Page 33 of Undone

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I prepared myself for the inquisition as I turned to head out the door.

“What was that all about?” Kendall asked. “What are you not telling me?”

I hung my head. “I’m mortified.”

“Don’t be. I’m quite amused.” She glanced in her assistant’s direction. “Do you mind if we have the room, Naomi?”

“Of course,” Naomi said, though she appeared miffed by the idea.

“Oh, and before I forget,” Kendall said. “Would you mind getting back to Brett at the end of the day and telling him there are no tickets available, but he’s welcome to wait on standby the day of the show for any cancellations?”

I hid my laugh behind a cough as Naomi smirked. “Will do.”

Kendall waited until her assistant left the room, which I appreciated, especially for a subject so sensitive. “Okay, spill it.”

“Brett was flaunting his new and very pretty guy in his face.” My voice was squeaky as I admitted, “And I maybe sort of pretended to be attracted to Rowan to get back at Brett?”

Her eyes lit up. “No way.”

“It was stupid and impulsive, but I couldn’t help myself. That man is ridiculous.”

She motioned to her cell. “Well, it worked.”

“Ugh. Please don’t bring this up in front of Rowan.” I rubbed a hand over my face. “We’re trying to forget it happened.”

“But he played along?”

My eyes met hers as I nodded. “He probably regrets it now.”

“Maybe not.” She shrugged. “Maybe it’s just a lesson on not playing games with people’s feelings, and we could all use that reminder.”

I returned to the shoe closet, which I’d begun organizing a couple of days ago—and not only because Rowan had suggested it. It was long overdue.

I thought of how the rest of the week had gone by without incident after my talk with Rowan on Monday—if you didn’t count the tension present whenever Rowan and I were in close quarters, busy with one task or another. I didn’t know if it was from the awkwardness of knowing we had kissed or because I couldn’t help reliving it every time I saw him. Which was unwise because he was my boss. My arrogant, unpleasant boss. I’d practiced quitting in front of my mirror, for God’s sake. So I really didn’t appreciate the tension I was feeling every time he was in the same room, like he was zapping all the air and maybe all the sunshine too.

And, of course, there he was, stepping into the shoe closet to find a pair of heels for Kendall’s afternoon show.

“I’m grouping by brand and color,” I told him from my position on the floor.

When he reached over me for a pair on the lowest shelf, our cheeks brushed, sending a line of pinpricks up my spine.

“Sorry, I just…” He straightened, holding on to a higher shelf unsteadily. “I just wanted to see if that pair had any straps.”

“She hates straps that cut across her shins. She thinks they make them look like cankles.”

“Exactly.” When his amused gaze met mine, he looked away. “Anyway, if you see any that would go well with that lace pencil skirt I pulled earlier…”

I gripped my chest. “You’re trusting me to make an outfit decision?”

“You’re right. What was I thinking?” he replied dramatically. “Feel free to pull a few heels without straps.”

A few minutes later, I walked into the larger dressing room with four sets of heels to place near the outfit Rowan had arranged, complete with jewelry.

When my phone rang, I fished it out of my pocket and saw it was a call from my mom. She never contacted me during the workday. My fingers trembled as I answered the call. “Mom, is everything all right?”

I looked away from Rowan’s prying eyes, feeling too vulnerable.

“Honey, we’re going to do it,” she replied in a shaky voice that bordered on excitement. I racked my brain, wondering if it was some home project or another, and felt annoyed at her timing.

“Do what?”

“Kathleen found us cheap airline tickets, so we’re coming to see you!” she squealed.

I felt like I was in some alternate universe. “Holy crap, when?”

“Next Thursday for three nights,” she said, and I could hear my father in the background grumbling about something. “We have an early-morning flight. Connor will drive us to the airport.”

“Wow, that’s so soon!” My brain went on automatic spin-cycle. “At least I’ll have time to come up with some fun touristy ideas.”

“None of that matters, honey,” she said soothingly. “You don’t need to impress us. We just want to visit our child in the big city.”

“You’re right, but still…I’m going to think of awesome plans for us.”

I ended the call and stood there staring into space.

“Everything all right?” Anita asked.

“Yeah,” I replied, snapping out of it. “My parents are coming for a visit.”

“How nice. Have they ever been?”

“No, that’s why I’m stunned,” I admitted. “As you know, I grew up in a small town, so coming here will definitely be a culture shock for them.”
