Page 2 of The Dating Mishapp

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I grimace.

“He’s got a dog, so he gets bonus points for that.”

Hearing the word “dog,” Diogi, our gray Pitbull rescue, awakens. He sighs heavily and then settles back in to continue his afternoon nap.

Kylie retrieves her phone once again when it pings. She looks thoughtful as if she’s thinking hard about a response. Her fingers move swiftly across the screen.

“Him again?”

Her eyes flick up to meet mine in the mirror. “No.”

“You’re a terrible liar!”

“He’s asked for a recent picture, but I don’t have a good one to send.”

I turn in my chair and give her a dubious look. “Ok, selfie-queen.”

“Take a picture with me!”


She begs and I concede, smiling into the camera with her.

Moments later, she hums. “Either he’s bald under the cap or has a really close cut.”

I hold my hand up, waiting for her phone. “Let me see him.”

“No!” She drops her phone into her apron.

“Why not?” My voice rises.

Something doesn’t feel right. Because I was so young when I had Kylie, it felt like we grew up together and were more like best friends. Never once has she lied to me or withheld anything. We have an incredible bond and share nearly everything. It’s one of the things I love most about our relationship.

“What aren’t you telling me?” I ask, using my “mom” voice.


Kylie grins as she reaches for the blow dryer and round brush.

I reach for her wrist. “If things work out, I’m going to have to meet this guy eventually.”

She meets my gaze in the mirror once again and winks. “You will…when the time is right. I want to get to know him first.”

The hum of the blow dryer ends our conversation and lulls me into a quiet state of relaxation.

* * *

Later that night, I’m sitting on the couch in a flannel shirt and yoga pants, my belly full of pasta.

“Have you seen my other shoe?” Kylie asks, hobbling into the living room wearing a short black dress and one stiletto. “I can’t find it anywhere.”

“Are you sure it’s not in your room? It’s a mess.” I give her a pointed look.

She looks at Diogi, admonishing him with her index finger. “If you chewed it, I’m bringing your lazy ass back to the shelter!”

The dog jumps onto the couch and cuddles next to me.

“Don’t worry. You’re not going anywhere,” I say, kissing his big head and flicking narrowed eyes at Kylie. “Watch your mouth.”
