Page 39 of The Dating Mishapp

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I refrain from asking him to clarify what his definition of fun is because God knows he would not approve of the kind of fun I’d like to have with Jack Perkins.

Kylie passes my coat. “Mom, I’m gonna catch a ride with them.”

I give my daughter a warning look. “Where are you going?”

“It’s your birthday. Have fun,” she repeats my father’s sentiment.

“Ky, after everything that happened tonight, I don’t think you should be going anywhere but home.”

She grins. “I’m sleeping at their house.” She flashes her eyes to my left. “Night, Jack.”

I suddenly feel awkward and shy when Jack smiles at me. “They weren’t too obvious, huh?”

“Yeah, not the most subtle bunch.”

He reaches for my coat and helps me into it. “Shall we go?”

“Yeah, let me grab my keys.”

“It’s all set. My truck’s already out front.”


He winks. “Just another perk of being Chief.”

A stupid grin stretches across my face as I loop my arm into his bent elbow. Arm in arm, we walk out to an enormous truck with tires almost as tall as me. “Wow! This is huge!”

He laughs. “I’ve seen bigger.”

I jab his rib with my elbow.

“What? You’ve never been to a Monster Truck rally?”

I roll my eyes.

Jack’s hands circle my waist and lift me into the cab. “Oh, wait. You thought I was talking about…” He slams the door shut and walks around the front, pinning his eyes on mine. Once seated, he looks over at me. “You, Savannah Foster, have a very dirty mind.”

I simply shrug, neither confirming nor denying which makes his sexy smirk deepen into a grin.

“Wanna grab a drink somewhere?”

“No, I have beer at home.”

“C’mon. We can go down to Shamrock and I’ll let even you beat me at pool.”

“You wish!”

“I wouldn’t mind seeing you bent over that table again.”

“I can’t believe you just said that!”

He chuckles. “Why not? I say what I mean and mean what I say.”

“Oh, God. That’s something a father would say. Do you have kids?”

His smile falls as he looks through the windshield. “No.”

Almost immediately, he shifts the conversation to me as a mother. I tell him the same story I tell whenever anyone asks.
