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"When I want to," he tightened his grip on me, and pulled me closer to himself, using his other hand to lock my waist. "Now, maybe if you give me that kiss I asked for earlier, I will consider it."

The smell of alcohol on his breath burned my nostrils. I felt like vomiting. Being that close to him brought memories of a past I had buried; it made me remember all the times he had manhandled me and hit me. It had taken a lot to get out of the relationship.

I was close to crying. I felt all alone. I couldn't scream as I felt it would only stir him to violence, and that was the last thing I wanted.

I will not cry! Buck up!

"She said to let her go," Trev said as he stepped into the fray, causing Ken to look his way.

"Move on, man; this doesn't concern you," Ken warned. But I saw Ken’s expression change.

My, my. It looks like fear. Interesting …

"I believe it does. The lady asked you to let her go, and I believe you're a gentleman. Gentlemen always respect women."

Ken looked at Trev, and his eyes blazed with anger. Slowly, he let go of me as he turned his attention to Trev, who stood his ground, not breaking eye contact. Ken walked to Trev. Trev stood there unmoving.

"I know you—you're that new city boy in town," Ken said with growing fear in his eyes. "I believed you had up and left since I haven't seen you at the bar."

This is getting more and more interesting. Ken is getting nervous.

I had no idea they had met at the bar. The one time I remember them meeting was at the festival, and Trev had shied away from a confrontation with Ken then.

Trev didn't say anything to Ken. He just stood looking down at Ken from his greater height. I always knew Ken was short, but seeing him next to Trev only made it worse.

Ken has really let himself go. Potbelly. Probably thirty-five pounds heavier than just a couple of years ago. Sagging face and chin. Bloodshot eyes. No grooming at all.

The men stared at each other for what seemed to be forever—my heart was in my mouth. I said a silent prayer that Ken wouldn't get violent. He was a crazy person, and I doubted Trev would be able to stand his ground against Ken.

"All right then," Ken said, backing away from Trev. It seemed like he had weighed his options and saw that he had a slim chance of winning in a fight against Trev, or maybe he just wasn't ready to start something he might regret later. But whatever his reasons were, I was glad that he had backed down.

"I'll be seeing you around, lover girl," he spat at me. Then he stumbled his way to the door and left.

I was happy to see him leave, and even happier knowing that he had not been successful with whatever plans he had before coming to the Lodge.

"Are you okay?" Trev asked me, taking the arm that Ken had grabbed and held onto the longest. It was red and I suspected it would bruise. "Does it hurt?" he asked, his eyes showing nothing but care.

"No, I'm fine. Thank you." I slowly pulled my hand away from him. A man had just roughed me up, and I was still shaken from that. I wasn't going to let another man hold me.

"I do have an ointment to help keep the bruising down. Cuz it’s gonna bruise, you know," Trev offered.

I had no idea why he was being so solicitous, but it also felt nice to see him worried about me.

His eyes held defiance and a sense of daring toward Ken during his tirade. I knew he was concerned about me, but his stance with Ken was perplexing.

Unless something had happened between him and Ken at the bar.

I didn't want to worry about whatever had transpired between both of them. I was more worried about Ken coming back and not being able to protect myself.

And I knew Ken would be back. He always circled back to me.

I looked at Trev again. He had stood up for me. I tried to remember a time when any man of my generation had stood up for me before, but I couldn't.

It was the first time, and it felt really good.

Chapter 11

