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Trev must be racking his brain wondering what we talked about.

It was super annoying that it had to be a rollercoaster with him—one minute he’s a grump, the next he’s giving me the silent treatment, and then he’s an angel with his mama, and then he’s bossing workmen around onmyproperty!

Pick a side already. You’re no prize yourself, Miss Grumpy.

I was still at reception when I heard the door open. It was a Friday, so I had to be downstairs, as I hoped for more customers. I looked up, half expecting to see Mr. Johnson with another of his models in tow, but instead, I saw Ken. I took a deep breath as I knew the day was about to take a crazy turn.

It had been two weeks since I last saw Mr. Johnson. I couldn't help but feel a little concerned. Had he been caught? Or was he down with some kind of sickness? I wouldn't deny that I wanted the latter to be the case, because if it was the former, then it meant I wouldn't be seeing him again. And I wasn't ready to lose a customer. I pushed the thought of Mr. Johnson out of my head, as I had to focus on the trouble before me.

"Hey gorgeous," he said with a smile that I failed to return, as nothing about Ken made me happy.

"What are you doing here?" I asked harshly.

"That's no way to treat the love of your life,” he said with a crooked smile.

“You wish you were.”

“I know I am.”

I looked over at Trev, who sat motionless, not making his presence known. Almost as if he was wary of Ken.

Yeah, that’s it.Trev has his guard up. Hmmm …

I remembered how he had quickly and quietly left the festival as soon as Ken had shown up then. But all that didn't matter. As long as Trev was nearby, I felt safe. I didn't like being around Ken when I was alone. The things he had done in the past still haunted me.

He walked closer to the desk. "You know at the end of the day you'll have to come back to me. Everyone in town knows you belong to me." He slurred his words, and I could smell the booze on his breath from six feet away. Drunk! I waved the smell off my nose.

It was always the same routine. He would get drunk, come to have a conversation with me, begging that I should take him back, and sometimes, threatening me with the “fact” that I would never be able to find a man in town. I never understood what drove him to think of me whenever he got drunk. I couldn't help but feel like I was the only woman he knew.

And once, however briefly, he had been everything to me.

Everyone in town knew we had history, and no man wanted to go against Ken the troublemaker. Ken made sure to always announce me as “his lady” whenever he saw me in public. I tried talking him out of doing so but stopped when I realized it was hopeless.

"You used to love kissing me. You want to now, just for old time’s sake?" he teased, pushing his head over the desk separating us and pouting.

I stepped back and frowned. He had no idea how much he disgusted me. After we broke up, I wondered what had attracted me to him in the first place. He was shorter than me. He didn't have any distinctive features that made him special. He wasn’t even that smart.

And why would I go back to a man that beat me?

"Will you please leave? You don't have any business here." I more demanded than asked.

"I do have business here; you are my business," he said and chuckled. I didn't know what was funny, but I didn't care. I just wanted him gone.

God, what did I ever see in him?! He’s so irritating!

"Okay, I'm here to lodge." He had a stupid grin on his face, it was obvious he was enjoying himself.

I got out from behind the reception desk to leave. I knew if I left him alone he would eventually leave. But as I headed across the space, he grabbed me by the arm. Hard.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked, his voice becoming hoarse.

"Let go of me, Ken. Get. Out!" I demanded. I strengthened my voice to sound confident and commanding. I stood tall and firm.

I would no longer fear Ken. I wouldn’t.

"I said I wanted to get a room, or you don't think I'm capable of paying for a room in this shack you call a lodge?"

"Let. Me. Go!” No one would miss my anger.
