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"No, you didn't. I'm surprised that I slept this long; it's unlike me to sleep till sunup."

"I guess you were pretty tired," he said with a smug expression.

"Uh, huh,” I teased. “All thanks to a certain strong, sexy someone," I said and flashed him a wide, happy smile. "I should get going now." I got up and began looking for my clothes.

I found my top and shorts a few feet beside the bed, but my panties were nowhere to be seen. I didn't hear when Trev walked up behind me, but I suddenly felt hands around my waist. He turned me to face him.

"I have to get going, but I can't seem to find my panties," I mock-lamented.

"Probably found a new home in my room," he joked.

"Oh no, there's no way I'll be leaving without them."

"Then I guess you aren't ready to leave. I don't mind having you here, though," he said, and bent down to kiss me.

His lips were soft, but also cold. I could feel myself getting lost in the moment again. I gently pushed his head back. "I really have to go. Lots to do. I'll be back though."

"Is that a promise?" he asked.

I was shocked, as I thought he wouldn't want me back since he had work to focus on. "Do you want it to be?"

"You inspired me to get my mojo back. Come and see the work come to life. And yes, I want you to come back even without talking about my work. I wantyou."

I melted. "When you put it like that, I guess I have no choice." I sighed with mock resignation and a grin on my face. "All right then, I promise to come back when I'm done with my work for the day."

Trev looked at me with suspicion, but it went as quickly as it had come. He let go of me, bent down, and came back up with my panties in hand.

"Did you hide them?" I teased with wide eyes.

"The thought did cross my mind, but I didn't. I saw them just now under the bed."

I dressed while Trev watched.

I like that. Oooh, I like that.

When it was time to leave his room, I kept hoping that none of the other guests would be out in the passageway, or else I was done for. How would I explain my coming out of his room at this time of the day? I knew I didn't owe any of them an explanation. It was my life! But I still hated the thought of having a reputation as “that sort” of woman.

I reached for the doorknob, but Trev held his hand over mine. I looked up at him, and his eyes showed how much he wanted me to stay. I also wanted to stay! I wanted to be cuddled up in bed with him, not having to worry about the chores that awaited me.

"I do have to leave now," I pleaded, but burrowed into him as if to negate my own words.

"I know," he said.

I kissed him, and before he could wrap his arms around me, I rushed out of the room. I knew that if I stayed any longer, a whole lot of naked action would be happening. I sighed with a relaxation I hadn’t felt in far too long.

I showered, changed, and rushed down to prepare breakfast. The two strange men that usually left for weeks had checked out, but I had two elderly couples to attend to. They looked like they had come for some quiet time. I wondered which of them thought the town was the perfect place for them.

All day long, during my chores, my night with Trev was all I thought about. It was the first time I hadn’t slept alone in … forever.

What made it even more amazing was the fact that Trev didn't want you to leave afterward.

He just wrapped his arms around you and nodded off.

Maybe I’ve misjudged the man …

My job usually entailed cleaning the guest rooms. Usual hotel service stuff. Trev had stopped me from doing that for him since his first day. I’d found it strange, but his room was always clean whenever I went in.

By the time I was done, it was past noon. I had not gone to give Trev any breakfast, as I wanted that to be a reason for me to go to his room later in the day. By the time I went to deliver some food to him, he had already showered and dressed and was diligently working.
