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He wore a pair of shorts and a tank top that couldn’t hide his muscular, hunky self. Huge, muscled arms, flat belly.

Wow! Calm down, my dear heart! Scrumptious!

I sat on the bed as I watched him work. He had a serious expression that I’d never seen on him before, so it was safe to assume it was his work face.

I stared at his lips, remembering what they had done to me the previous night. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I wished he would take a break from work and get naked with me again.

Trev was attractive in a multi-faceted way, and I did nothing but stare at him with a smile on my face all the while he worked. Once in a while, he would look in my direction and smile; a smile that gave me goosebumps.

Time flew watching him work, and before I knew it, it was time for me to go prepare dinner. I had half a mind to ask him what he wanted to have for dinner, but I decided not to. I wouldn't mind making dishes he wanted, but I didn't want him to disrupt the menu I had created.

I wouldn’t mind cooking for him our whole life long, in fact.

Spending my afternoons for a while in Trev's room became a habit. Once I was done with my chores for the day, I would go to Trev's room and watch him work.

"Are you sure it's okay for me to be here while you work?" I asked one afternoon.

I noticed he had been looking at me, barely focusing on his work. So I was starting to feel like a distraction, and I didn't want to be one.

"Yes, it is. Why do you ask?" he questioned.

"I feel I might be a distraction to you." I avoided his gaze.

He chuckled, "Lindsey, even if you are a distraction to me, you are the best kind of distraction." His eyes bore into me as he said this.

We had sex every night while he developed the new game.

Distraction? Oh, yeah!

Chapter 15


Itwashardforme to accept, but she was the inspiration I had been looking for.

We got into a routine. After her chores, she’d just sit in my room as I worked. She’d leave to make dinner for all the guests, including me. She’d bring me my dinner and let me work till 9 or so, then she’d join me for some naked relaxation.

We’d been having sex every evening, but Lindsey never slept over again.

I loved it when she took charge and got on top of me.

She is so free with her body. And so orgasmic!

Makes a guy wish he could come just as often …

I knew she was avoiding distracting me from my work. She’d always come back the next day and repeat our routine.

I am definitely the one who got our relationship off to a very bad start. I have to be honest about that!

I don't know what got into me. Except that I wasn't myself when my creative juices dried up on me.

I was grateful to her for the idea she gave me, and for always coming to stay with me even though she didn't have to. I wanted to show my appreciation for it all. I already had an idea about how to do that in the back of my head. There would be plenty of time to take care of it.

Since getting a grasp of her idea, I dove headfirst into the work. This was no time for unnecessary reflection; I had to catch up.

That night, I called my assistant, Olivia. I needed her to make personal arrangements for a weekend trip. It was going to be my way (“oneof my ways,” I reminded myself) of thanking Lindsey. Aside from that, I also needed a break from the programming work. I’d come quite far along and I knew what needed to be done to wrap it up.

The following day was a Friday, and as usual, Lindsey had come to my room to keep me company. I had worked through the night so I wouldn't feel like I was neglecting work. I finished up with all that I had planned to do sometime around noon, and I just stared at Lindsey.
