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My friends are like two teenage girls who can’t stop giggling. I admit, my stomach is in a knot at the thought of seeing him again. I’m so nervous to say yes. I realize I have been quiet for too long, clear my throat, and finally reply, “I'm not seeing anyone right now, and based on your question I am assuming you are unattached as well…So, sure, let's grab a drink sometime.”

“Sometime? Ok, how about Tuesday? It’s not Valentine’s Day, but I’m sure I can plan something special.”

He remembers. Of course he remembers our first date—how could he forget? I sure as hell didn’t. All of a sudden the room is too small. “Uh, yeah, sure, Tuesday works. I’ll see if I can get a sitter.”What am I doing?

“Then it’s a date. Good night, E.”

I close my eyes and let the words wash over me. “Good night.” I hang up and my friends start talking over each other a mile a minute, I can’t understand a word they are saying. “Slow down, one at a time!”

“I knew it! I knew he would ask you out!” Riley never gets this excited about impulsive decisions. She is always the practical one, so this is out of character for her.

“You did not!” Lily smacks Riley’s arm. My heart is racing and breath is uneven. I feel like I'm about twenty seconds away from a panic attack. My phone light up with a new message, making it worse.

Dylan: Can’t wait to see you. Since I don’t use this app often, here’s my number. 555-1234

Emma: Here’s mine 555-5678

My friends and I head out of the restaurant, hug goodbye, and I promise them all of the details next time we get together. I know for a fact they will be calling me as soon as my date is over.

Chapter six


Thenextmorning,asI am pouring my coffee, there’s a new text from who I can only assume is Dylan. I don’t think I saved his number in my phone after we hung up—I was a bit distracted by the inquisition of my friends last night.

555-1234: How is it that 16 years later, you still take my breath away?

How could he say something like that so nonchalantly?I haven’t seen this man in years, and yet, I can’t help the smile on my face. My son, Noah, notices. “Mom, what are you smiling about?”

I clear my throat. “Oh, nothing, it’s just a good day is all.” I hate lying to my kids, but there is no way I would ever admit this truth. Instead, I change the subject, “Did you finish your homework?”

“Yes, mom,” he says, rolling his eyes. “Of course I did.”

“Ok, help me get Aiden ready. We have to leave in fifteen.” I pause before yelling upstairs, “Aiden and Charlie! It’s time for school, let’s go!” I quickly save Dylan’s contact and type out a reply before putting my phone in my bag.

Emma: Well, good morning to you too!

I get the kids off to school and head to work.

For the majority of the morning I am answering emails and being pulled into meetings thatshouldhave been an email. It’s already 2pm and I haven’t eaten yet. I take out my phone to order coffee and a sandwich from the place next door, and there’s a new text from a few hours ago.

Dylan: How’s your day going? Any fun plans for the weekend?

Emma: Sorry, I just got this! Busy day. No big plans. My son has a soccer game, but other than that we don’t have much going on. My kids are at their dad’s on Sunday, so I plan on basking in the silence and maybe starting a new book.

He replies within seconds. It’s surreal, since my calls and texts went unanswered all those years ago.

Dylan: Sunday, huh? I don’t have the girls this weekend, they are staying with my parents. Want to grab dinner and a movie Sunday evening?

Sunday? That’s in 2 days!I chew the inside of my cheek as I reply.

Emma: Sunday, instead of Tuesday? Sure, I’ll call off the sitter.

Dylan: Don’t call off the sitter. I’d like to take you out Tuesday as well.

Thinking back to when we first started dating, he basically asked me out for our second date, before our first was even over.Is this us starting over?I mirror our conversation from all those years ago, wondering if he remembers too.

Emma: Getting ahead of ourselves, are we? For all you know, Sunday could be the date from hell, and you’ll never want to see me again.
