Page 19 of Wicked When Wet

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“They won’t let us stay, will they?” I asked sadly, wanting so badly to be up in that city rather than standing on this lurching ship.

Arys shook his head sadly. “Vyessa is no place for you, my mate.”

No. No, it wasn’t. Not unless I learned how to swim.

Tucked securely at Arys’ side, I watched quietly as he issued orders, smoothly directing the ship out of the storm. It got dicey there for a little while but after some time, we entered smoother waters.

Slowly, I started to relax, believing the worst of it was behind us. That the danger was over.

I hadn’t seen it coming from behind me.



“Why have we changed course again?” Rothe demanded, glaring as I watched my mate sit quietly with her companions.

“Jufv is no longer an option,” I said absently, returning my attention to the map. I knew of one Loyobv ship that may be easy to commandeer. My only worry was convincing my crew to abandon their home and accompany me on a new quest.

I knew Lyv would join me, perhaps even convincing his mate to tag along. I knew she had always been fond of space travel. A few others may be eager, but most were as attached to Vyessa as I was—beforeshe gave me my Layla. Now I had a new home. I would forever stay at her side, not matter the place. I would miss my Vyessan seas but not so much as my Layla.

I hoped I could lure the rest of my crew with the possibilities of treasures off world.

“Captain,” Rothe growled, irritated with me.

I sighed, turning my attention to him. “Why do you question me?”

Rothe turned his glare to my mate.Thatgot my attention. I stood quickly, invading his space, backing himaway from her. “Keep your frustration where it has been earned.Noton my Layla.”

Rothe gawked at me, mouth flapping open. “You can’t be serious!”

How is it that my crew had not yet been informed that their captain was a mated male?Nearly,I reminded myself. She was coming around.

“Careful,” I warned him, now seeing I had left his insubordination unchecked for too long. I felt indebted to my crew, knowing most of them still carried the scars of the kingdom as I had. But Rothe had never been a male to shy away from one of the king’s orders. I’d wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, giving him grace for going along with the sacrifices of our females for fear the king would retaliate. I did not have a mam or dam alive to worry over in that time. No mate, or babes as so many males serving the king’s fleet. But truthfully, Rothe did not either.

Only he did not choose to rectify the atrocities taking place as I had done. No, but I had allowed him on my ship, allowed him to accompany my crew as we built up the females’ city and scavenged for others. Over time, searching for redemption for all we had born witness to in those despairing times.

Even now, I still felt shame. Even more so that even for a fleeting moment, I considered sellingmy mate. I was disgusted with myself. I should have recognized her for what she was the moment I laid eyes on her.

“I am not who I once was,” I reminded Rothe quietly. “None of us are. We are free males now. We can make better decisions. We can help instead of hurt.”

Rothe sneered and I knew then that this battle we had waged to become better than our past had not been meant for him. He had failed and very nearly so had I.

“I will not sell a living creature,” I stated harshly. Angry at myself all over again. “Not for all the gold in the stars.”

Rothe shook his head, face twisted in fury. “We can still trade for other things with the Loyobv. We have the wreckage!”

“Why would I trade with a species and risk them discovering my mate? Why trade with them at all when they would sooner steal Vyessan females!” We were wrong to accept anything from them. At the time, we had been desperate to provide for our kind. To provide for our oppressed females. Desperate to remain on Vyessa when it was time to leave it behind. But no more. “There is nothing left for us here. We can better care for our females by scavenging off world.”

Rothe paled, shaking his head. “You would leave our waters?”

I grimaced, knowing that this would not be the first male to react so negatively to my plans. But this planet would not sustain life for much longer. “Wemustseek out a new home. Or there will come a day that the Vyessan seas claim the last of us.”

I felt a hand land heavily on my shoulder. “I will come with you,” Lyv said gravely. I nodded my thanks, realizing many of my males had already tuned into our heated conversation. I felt my Layla’s eyes on me as well and hoped she knew all of this was for her. Yes, so many would benefit from this decision, but she had changed the last of my black heart.

I had to field dozens of questions that arose, explaining myself again and again as my crew aired their concerns. It was not an ideal time, as we were still sailing out of the last of the storm but there was no good time to tell brace them for an uncertain future.

Ultimately, I was pleasantly surprised by the cautious excitement many of them shared. There were a few who, like Rothe, did not approve. But none so angry as he was. Those that did not agree would likely find work in Jufv or on one the other few ships sailing the waters aimlessly, still searching for purpose after the fall of the Vyessan kingdom.
