Page 20 of Wicked When Wet

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Relaxed for the first time in far too long, I had not been expecting the sharp cry of my Layla. I spun around, horror dawning as I watched her fall overboard. Rothe stood at the railing, fighting away the older male and female.

Stomach churning with bile, I raced for the edge and leapt without looking. One thought on my mind.

I cannot lose her.



No one seemed to notice Rothe marching over to me, wrenching me from my perch on the floor. They didn’t hear my gasp of surprise or Esther’s wail of outrage. They didn’t see Albert trying with all his might to pull me away. No one saw Rothe push him to the ground and drag me to the railing. Not one soul interfered before Rothe, with a face full of fury, threw me overboard.

Not even Arys.

I thought I heard him shout my name as I was falling but then I slammed into the freezing water and sank down, down, down. Stunned, I couldn’t even fight for the surface at first, my limbs wouldn’t work. My senses were muted but my fear roared to life.

Flight instinct flared to life a second before my lungs screamed for air and then I was flailing, struggling to find the surface. But it was too dark, without the sun shining, I couldn’t find air.

Panic threatened to end me, lack of oxygen nearly causing me to inhale water.

But then something shiny flashed from the corner of my eye, and I searched the darkness for Arys,knowinghe would have come after me.

But it wasn’t Arys.

It was a huge silver eye.

I screamed, the last of my air bubbling out of my mouth as a gigantic monster lazily turned its head in my direction. I knew immediately this was one of theserpents. Its mouth was bigger than my entire body, bigger than a Vyessan’s. It could swallow me in one bite, but I couldn’t escape. As it came closer, I continued to flail about, ears ringing, head aching. My lungs felt like they were going to implode if I didn’t get air.

And then the monster swung its long arching tail wide and slammed into me, knocking me aside with such force the edges of my vision went black.

I must have swallowed some water because everything was kind of fuzzy after that. I remembered seeing the monster’s teeth, its mouth opening wide, and then I felt hands on me.

I thought this was it. The end was here, and I was going to die from a combination of drowning and being eaten alive.

But then I woke up n Arys’ arms, water pouring out of my mouth like an erupting fountain.

Arys’ grin was shaky but so pretty. He peppered little kisses all over my face and though I was still a little fuzzy, I knew right then that I was screwed.

I was going to learn how to swim for this crazy alien so he could come home to visit hisVyessan seasand then I was going to go on a wild ride up in the stars with him.

I only hoped Esther and Albert were up for an adventure as well.

I know you’re dying to know what happened to Rothe…

Arys was so pissed off that he took the asshole for a little swim and hand fed him to the serpent…kind of fitting all considering.

The Sex


No, I did not jump Arys’ bones that night. Nor did I the next day. Or the one after that. I made that crazy alien woo me for a good long while before I gave him any action. I was giving up the chance to go home for him, I needed a little commitment from him before Isealed the deal.

And it was going to be asealing. Apparently, fucking your mate created a biological lock and key on your lady bits. Once we did the deed, neither of us would be able to fuck anyone else. We wouldn’t evenwantto. Esther was all for that, but Albert had been the one to caution me on waiting.

Turns out, he’d made Esther wait as well.Shehad to woohim. I think he knew how much she loved the chase.

For me and Arys, it wasn’t until we’d plotted, planned, and finally were on our way to stealing a spaceship for a group of aliens who really did look eerily like us humans, that wefinallycouldn’t help ourselves.

Well,Icouldn’t help myself. Arys had been horny as hell for a good long while. So, when he got behind the cockpit and fired up the ship, pissing off the creepy aliens he and Lyv and a few others managed to lock up in a cage that had been used to trafficotheraliens, I was overcome with lust I guess you could say.
