Page 34 of Forever Fruitful

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“We want to have a small ceremony again—with our friends and family, sir. She wants to have her daddy walk her down the aisle. The only reason we went to the courthouse is because I would not dishonor her without giving her my name. I love her with every ounce of my being… and you don’t have to accept me,” Luke said openly, feeling his throat close off with emotion. “But for Niki’s sake? Can you please pretend like you don’t hate me when she is around – and don’t hold it against our child?”

Valkyrie cursed under his breath.

“The boy did the right thing, even if he kept it from you…”

Luke turned to see Reaper, Firefly, his father, and Alpo standing there in silent support. Thumper was talking with Toby and his family, looking at them quietly, before nodding to Luke.

While this was a mess?

It wasn’t unrepairable.

“I need to go talk to my wife and save my own hide,” Valkyrie finally said bluntly, sticking out his hand towards Luke. “Come over after work so we can talk.”

“I’d like that, sir…” Luke said gratefully, reaching out to shake his hand – only to have Valkyrie pull him into a hug.

“Don’t you hide anything from me again – are we clear, young man?” her father whispered to him. “That’s my baby girl and someday you’ll understand.”

“Yes, sir.”

“And would you call me Valkyrie like you used to? I don’t think I’m ready for ‘dad’ yet…”

Luke nodded silently as the man released him, clearing his throat, and looking at him sternly.

“Call when you are on the way.”

“Will do.”

“Thank you, Valkyrie,” Luke heard his father speaking from behind him, just as he felt a hand land on his shoulder possessively.

“No one is good enough for my baby girl… but he might be close,” Valkyrie said gruffly, yanking open the car door before sliding inside.

Luke was pretty sure he didn’t breathe until the car was gone – only to feel his father slap him upside the head.


“I told you to be careful, boy…”

Luke laughed easily as his father hugged him, smiling.

“Now, are you going to tell your mother she’s going to be a grandma – or am I?”


Six months later…

Life had changed significantlyfor Nicolette and Luke.

Now that the ‘cat was out of the bag’, they made no secret of sharing their love and marriage with the world. They held hands, went to the grocery store together, made obstetrician appointments together, and planned their small ceremony with both family’s involvement.

He wanted all of their siblings there, encircled around them, a part of their wedding, so they understood what true love felt and looked like. Toby and Samantha were getting married soon… and Caspar claimed that he wasn’t ready in the slightest.

They decided to have their marriage celebrated outdoors in the place where they had first fallen in love unknowingly, and where Nicolette had asked him out, telling him he was going to marry her.

… At Flyboys.

The grassy field behind the airstrip where they had played during many of the yearly picnics, had sat around roasting marshmallows as children during the bonfires they held, and where they had learned to fly airplanes… seemed to be the perfect place.

The grasses were turning yellow from lack of rain and a brutal snap in the wintertime… but today?

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