Page 35 of Forever Fruitful

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Today it was like everything was perfect.

It was late March, and the sun was shining, the birds were singing, the weather was perfect… and his bride was enchanting. He couldn’t help but stare and marvel at this miracle before him.

Nicolette was walking towards him, on the arms of her father, as they looked at each other with so much love that Luke knew in his heart this was the way they should have done things – because not only could he see the joy on their families faces?

… But he would never forget the way his bride looked right now.

Her dress flowed around her loosely, just a cotton gown made of eyelet that reminded him of diety statue of Mother Earth he’d seen in a book. Her body was swollen with their child, her eyes glowed with pride and love, and her smile was encompassing, so full of joy.

He had never seen her look more beautiful than she did right now.

As she slowly walked up to him, he watched as Valkyrie took his seat beside Marisol and nodded to him.

Luke nodded politely, turning to Nicolette, and couldn’t help the smile that touched his lips as he gazed at the open love shining from her expression.

“I love you,” he whispered, unable to hold it back.

“I told you that you were mine,” she chuckled tenderly, reaching to touch his face. He immediately turned his head to kiss her palm – and caught Valkyrie’s eyes on him.

Tearful and full of pride.

Nicolette’s father was watching the two of them, preparing to say their vows, with his arm around his wife, Marisol. He looked appreciative and happy to see that they were truly committed to each other, in love, and taking these steps, sharing their moment with them.

That worry and wonder if he was good enough for Nicolette faded almost immediately, as he recognized that the older man wasn’t doubting their love or marriage at all.

Valkyrie was just exceedingly close to his family, his beloved children, and simply wanted to be a part of their joy… and understood so much now.

Smiling at his bride, he took her hands in his and repeated his vows before everyone.

* * *

Two weeks later…

“Niki?” Luke whispered in the middle of the night, reaching for her – only to see that she was curled up beside him with a strange look on her face in the shadows, eyes wide open. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m waiting to call my mom…”

“Why?” he said in confusion. “It’s almost three in the morning…”

“I’m not sure if I’m in labor or not,” she breathed and drew in a harsh breath, closing her eyes.

“What’s going on?”

“Hurts in my back…”

“Your spine?” he asked in confusion and remembering that she had a lot of pain in her tailbone area the last few days, causing her to have a hard time sitting at work or on the couch.

“No, the muscles. It’s like a have a Charlie horse or a sprained ankle but in my kidneys like they are trying to migrate to my belly button from my back.”

“If you are hurting, then we need to get you checked out.”

“What if it’s not labor? What if I have a kidney stone or something?”

“Still gotta get you checked out, honey,” he laughed tenderly, getting up and throwing on some clothes. “Let me get you something to…”

“Oh, never mind about all the wondering,” she said nervously.


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