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Thankful that my updo skills surpassed my coloring ones, I twisted the orange disaster into a low chignon, and adjusted my hat leaving a hint of bangs sticking out. All in all, I didn’t look too ridiculous. With a reassuring nod, I hurried out of the bathroom, grabbed my phone and a small clutch bag loaded with business cards, and headed out.


Taking a breath, my hands smoothed down my skirt before I pulled open the heavy wooden door. The Tavern was just how I remembered. Except it had a few more signed framed jerseys hanging on the walls. If there was one thing this area loved, it was football. And it was one thing I missed while I was abroad in Europe. Although I did enjoy watchingtheirfootball while there.

The place was packed, but that had always been the norm on a Friday night. It seemed as though the happy hour crowd was in full swing. Glancing around the room, I noticed a couple of guys I went to high school with sharing a pitcher of beer. When they glanced up in my direction, I gave a small wave. One who I remembered, Jeremy, smiled, then his brows furrowed, and he went back to his friends.

Finally, I spotted Lynn at the end of the bar. I weaved my way through the crowd, sayingexcuse mehere and there. A gap between two separate couples formed, and I took the opportunity to squeeze through only to put myself right in front of another twosome. And not just any twosome: Trevor and a very pretty girl.

“Harley?” He smiled and pulled me into a quick hug, almost knocking my hat off.

“Yup, that’s me.” I adjusted my fedora and glanced at the blonde sitting on the stool. If I had to guess, she was a couple of years younger than me. Ironically, she had the same color hair that I had strived for earlier that day.

“I can’t believe it,” he went on to say.

“Right. What are the odds?” I asked, with a forced smile that made my cheeks hurt. Seriously, what were the odds? Out of all the bars in Virginia we happened to pick the same one? Not to mention, as far as I knew, he didn’t live here. “I thought you moved to North Carolina?”

“I did, but—” He paled. “Oh, sorry. Where are my manners?” Chuckling, he picked up the girl’s hand and laced their fingers together.Don’t stare. Don’t stare.I repeated in my head. “Babe, this is Harley. The one I told you about. Harley, this is Cami… my fiancée.”

Did he just say, fiancée? Had he aged quicker than I had? What happened to his age thirty-five rule? About wanting different things? And… I’m staring.

She slid off of her stool and beamed. Cami had to be five foot eight with flats on. And quite frankly, looked perfect next to Trevor—she’d look perfect next to anyone.

“It’s so good to finally meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you.”Good to finally meet me?I was about to ask what exactly she’d heard, but then Cami extended her hand, which I shook.

Trevor kissed the top of her head and for whatever reason, my heartbeat stammered a bit.

“It’s nice to meet you too.” Giving my attention to Trevor once more, I had to know what was going on without me literally asking him that question. “Are you home visiting?”

“No, I moved back. We got a place in Reston. Cami just finished getting her MBA in North Carolina.”

“That’s wonderful.”

“How was Europe?”

“Great!” I said with a bit more pep than I was feeling.

Cami asked, “Would you like to join us for a drink?”

Regardless of being a bit curious about the couple, I politely declined. “Thank you, but I’m meeting someone.”

“He can join.”

“She. I’m waiting for my roommate. But I have a meeting with the manager. Actually, I should go.”

Trevor’s eyes flickered with what looked like recollection. “How is Sophie?”

“She’s good, thank you.”

He snapped his fingers. “Wait, today’s your birthday? Right?”

When I nodded, Cami’s smile widened. “Then you must join us. We’re celebrating too.”

Trevor’s lips turned into a fine line until I glanced over at him. Then they curled up. If I hadn’t looked at him when I did, I would have missed it. And why was Cami being so nice and welcoming? I think of myself as a kind person, but I hardly think that I’d invite my boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend to join us. The phrase, keep your friends close and your enemies closer, popped into my head. Maybe she was an actress and was delivering lines? Whatever the reason, no way would I be joining them.

“Thank you, really, but maybe another time.” Like when Porky grew wings and took flight. “Well, I should go.”

Trevor tossed his arm around Cami’s shoulders. “It was great seeing you, Harley.”
