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Sure it was.“You too. And congrats on the engagement.” Heck, let’s all be actors this evening.

“Thank you so much,” Cami said with a friendly smile.

I raised my hand in a quick wave as I made my way toward the front door. Visions of Trevor and me flew into my head. Not only had he rebounded, but he fell in love. Love. A word we used on more than one occasion. I needed to leave. My feelings for Trevor were gone, that I knew, but something inside of me grew tight and a daze-filled aura took over. Anger maybe? Disbelief? The fact that I wasn’t enough for him? Whatever the case may have been, the stale air prickled my skin, and beads of sweat popped up on the back of my neck.

Air. I needed air. Maybe once I took a deep breath, I’d be fine and could continue celebrating my birthday with Sophie… just not at The Tavern.

Clenching my purse to my chest, I scurried out of the bar, the sole of my shoes sticking to part of the wood-planked floor, as I tossed outexcuse meandpardon meto those I bumped into in my hasty departure. Someone called my name, but nothing was going to prevent me from getting to that parking lot. I was about to push open the door when the person on the opposite side pulled it at the same time sending me flying forward and landing against a wall of muscle with an oomph. In slow motion, we both watched my purse and hat float into the air before landing on the pavement. To add insult to injury, the tampon I shoved into my clutch before I left rolled and rested at his sexy boat-shoed foot.

“Oh my God, I’m so sorry. Are you okay?” His deep voice wrapped around me like a warm blanket. For some reason, rather than step away, my body decided to mold across his cotton-shirted chest. Then, like a woman who wasn’t thinking straight, because clearly I hadn’t been, or I would have grabbed my feminine product, I inhaled and got a whiff of sandalwood cologne, fabric softener, and man. Everything about him ebbed the minor panic attack I’d just experienced. Of its own volition, my fingers fisted the soft fabric covering very taut muscles.

A few too many seconds later and after coming to my senses, I pulled back and looked up, only to lock eyes with the most stunning face I’d ever seen. Except… he looked vaguely familiar. I wanted to ask why that was, but my vocal cords seemed to be on hiatus.

Soft brown hair styled neatly yet looking messy at the same time, hazel eyes that had a sparkle all their own, and lips that for some reason I imagined were soft and kissable made my insides flutter. Put that together with his body, that sultry voice, and arms that still haven’t released me, all screamed trouble with a capital T. Not that I knew that to be true, but a man who looked as though he could have any woman he wanted, in my head meant he probably did.

“Are you alright?” he repeated.

“Yes, thank you. Sorry, I ran into you.” His smirk reminded my hand to cover my carrot-topped head since my hat was on the ground along with my business cards. Having the same idea, we both bent over almost knocking into one another.

He chuckled. “I’ll get it.”

“It’s okay.” My skirt rose a bit when I squatted, but all I wanted was my stuff and to end any further humiliation.

Ignoring me, he lowered his body and we worked together gathering my things. I couldn’t help but notice the muscles in his legs. When we stood, he handed me a stack of my cards along with that damn tampon. I shoved the cards and feminine product back into my purse.

“Thank you,” I said, fixing my hat while plastering on the best smile I could without blushing.

“I’m Lucas.”


“Harley,” he repeated. Some bar goers walked around us. A few gave him a second and third glance. Lucas was stunning, but the ones looking at him were men. Not that it mattered except they were with women. He moved us out of the way of the door. “Can I buy you a drink? Or are you here with someone?”

“Thank you, but I was just leaving.”

“We can go somewhere else. I was just leaving as well, but forgot my phone on the bar.”

“I appreciate the offer, but I should go.” He nodded at the same time a horn beeped, and Sophie’s car came into view. “Actually, that’s my ride. Sorry again for smacking into you.”

I only took one step before he continued. “No apologies necessary. Glad you weren’t injured.”

“I could say the same for you.” Something told me it would take a lot more than me knocking into him to cause bodily harm.

“You know, now that you mention it”—he rolled his head to the right and then to the left—“I do feel a little pinch in my neck.”

Oh no. Maybe he was one of those ambulance chasers. The last thing I needed was to get sued. Maybe that was where I knew him from. He could definitely have starred in one of those annoying law commercials. “Can I do anything for you?”

“How about you give me your number?”

My eyes narrowed. “What? How will that help?”

“It’ll take my mind off of the pain.”

Smooth… maybe he didn’t chase ambulances, but women were a different story. “Maybe you should try ice or heat. Or maybe get a massage. I can give you the name of a good masseuse.”

A smirk grew across his face. He chuckled. “Worth a shot.”

I pivoted on my wedges, then looked back at him. Damn, he was gorgeous. “I should get going. Nice meeting you.”
