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“We could watch a movie.” She was determined to put him off, but only playfully, “But I should get back to studying.” She’d been working toward her business degree on and off throughout the pregnancy because Carter told her she had a head for business, something no one had ever told her before. And once she started looking into what that entailed, she found herself loving what she learned. A degree seemed like a logical next step.

“So which is it, a movie and cuddles or studies?” He’d been supportive so far, but the arch of his eyebrow and the way he said cuddle told her he meant more than contact. Her studies forgotten for the moment, she lost herself in the moment with him.

“I am a hugely pregnant, uncomfortable woman. Are you trying to pressure me into having sex with you, Carter?” It was hard to say the words with a straight face, and she held back a laugh as she glanced up into Carter's stunned expression.

“Why yes, yes, I think I am.” He nodded his head, bringing his gaze down slowly to meet hers, before smiling and giving her a quick kiss on the lips. “What movie would you like to watch?”

She wound her arms around his shoulders. “Ours,” she said softly before kissing him again. She could feel his hardness pressing against her hip and wiggled against him.

“Naughty girl.” Those two words from his lips drove her wild.

She couldn't think of anything she wanted more than him, and pregnancy definitely ramped up her drive. She'd been struggling to keep her hands off him, which was no doubt why he'd been so surprised by her response to his advances.

Kaitlyn couldn't complain about how good he'd been to her, or how good of care he was taking of her and their unborn baby. She loved him more than anything else and she was excited to be spending the rest of her life with him. They were lightly planning the wedding, considering different dates and venues, and she'd finally met his parents. They seemed to like her well enough, and she liked them.

As Carter kissed her again and again, a smile crossed her lips. Her body began to hum to life and fill with desire when she heard her phone chime.

With a groan, Carter let her go and she walked over to pick her phone up off the arm of the couch. She inhaled, surprised at the message.

“Is everything okay?” Carter sounded concerned, and she turned to face him, still staring at the text.

“Yeah, Devon just texted me. He told me that he met somebody new and that he's sorry for everything and he hopes that I'm happy.” She glanced up at Carter, unsure if this was the truth or if Devon was just trying to get her guard down so he could do something awful to her.

Carter lifted his shoulder. “I wouldn't trust a word he says, but that does sound very positive.”

“That's what I was thinking.” With that, she sent a quick message back.Congratulations. I hope you have a wonderful life.

With the message sent, she dropped her phone on the couch, where it bounced before she returned all of her attention to Carter. “Now where were we?”

With a wicked chuckle, he walked over and wrapped her up in his arms once more.

“Oh, that's right. I remember.” With that, she wound her arms around his shoulders, and he wrapped her back and forth, his lips on hers. Their tongues met slowly, lazily, lovingly, as if they had all the time in the world.

Because they did.

They'd promised one another forever when Kaitlyn sure as heck wasn't about to let him get away any sooner than that. If she had her way, they'd be haunting people together in the afterlife, because becoming a ghost with Carter sounded like the most fun a person could have after the end.

“I love you.” Carter whispered the words against her lips, his breath fanning her damp mouth, and she smiled, completely happy in that moment, feeling more loved and accepted and cared for than she'd ever felt before in her life.

“Even though I'm an unemployed stripper with no money?”

“Even though you're a broke ex-stripper,” he confirmed her words, planting a gentle kiss on her lips, and she held back a smile.

Well, she'd never been ashamed of what she did. She definitely loved his take on the whole thing and the fact that he'd never judged her or thought less of her, or even really seemed to care about what she did for a job. He'd always seemed to value the fact that she'd used her brains to get herself ahead, that she'd managed her money carefully and built up savings before being tricked out of it by an ex-best friend. From the start, he'd had her best interests at heart, even when she couldn't see that.

“What did I do to deserve you?” She still wasn't sure how she'd gotten so lucky.

“I think the real question is what did I do to deserve you? Because you are perfect and amazing and I'm pretty sure I'm the luckiest man on Earth.” With every breath, he paused and planted a quick kiss against her lips, still cradling her to his chest, and rocking them back and forth in place in the middle of his living room.

Kaitlyn put her hand against his chest and pushed him back, staring up into his eyes with expression of disbelief at his words. “Wait, you'repretty sure?”

All the fear that had crept into his features as she pushed him away melted and he threw his head back and laughed. “Sorry, I’m obviously the luckiest man on Earth. Forgive me for my slip up.”

“Damn right you are.” With that, she cuddled back into his chest, thinking about how far her life had come.

She couldn't help but think how she and Carter had gone to dinner the previous night, and she'd caught sight of Fawn outside the restaurant. She could tell that her friend's life was spiraling downward; her clothes were worn and messy, her once-beautiful blonde hair looked like it had been haphazardly hacked off, and her makeup was smeared as if she’d been crying.

Kaitlyn felt bad that her ex-friend's life had clearly not been going well. The moment their eyes had locked across the busy street, Kaitlyn nodded at Fawn. At that moment, Carter had taken her arm and Kaitlyn knew how she looked in her beautiful dress with a very posh, good-looking man holding her arm.
