Page 11 of After Midnight

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“Watch your step over the mats.” Nico motioned around the kitchen. “This is the line where all the magic happens.”

Everywhere Brooke looked gleamed silver. She went behind the counter, where stacks of white plates, condiments, pots, pans, and knives of every shape and size were stacked on big, silver racks.

“I’m just going to heat up our tortellini. I made the pesto earlier.” Nico went over to a giant walk-in fridge, pulled out a few containers, and a wedge of cheese. Then poured oil in the pan and turned on the flame.

“I’m impressed with what you’ve accomplished,” Brooke said, motioning around the kitchen.” “You’ve gone after your dream and made it a reality.”

“It took me a while, but here I am. What about you? Tell me about this boyfriend you just broke up with, or is it a sore subject? I’m sorry if I’m being intrusive. I want to get to know you better.” Oil snapped and sizzled in the pan.

“No, it’s okay.” Like all the others, it was a short relationship, the story of her dating life. “We weren’t meant to be, but I suppose he was nice enough.”

“Nice?” He drew his brows together. “That sounds pretty lame.”

“What’s wrong with nice?” She watched Nico as he lifted the pan and tossed the tortellini like only a chef could. Sweat broke out along her forehead and slid down her neck from the heat radiating off the grill.

“You strike me as a woman who wouldn’t settle for nice.” His hungry gaze raked over her and left her hot and needy. “The words passionate, exciting, and spontaneous come to mind.”

His keen observation left her breathless. Nico pointed out everything she ever wanted or needed but could never ask for because it would only lead to heartache. Brooke pushed her niggling doubts aside and focused on staying in the moment.

“Now it’s your turn.” He motioned for her to join him at the burner. “Give it a try. It’s all in the wrist.”

“I tend to be a klutz in the kitchen. I hope you have an extinguisher nearby in case I set anything on fire.”

He laughed. “I’ll be right here.”

“Here goes.” Wrapping her hands around the handle of the pan, she tried to mimic the same motion she watched Nico do, but she didn’t come close. “You make it look so easy.”

“Let me help you.” Nico came up behind her and lifted her hands, and she became aware of every hard inch of him. His warm breath fanned her neck, leaving a trail of goose bumps along her skin. “Back and forth, slow and easy. Yeah, that’s it.” The smell of his cologne and his deep voice in her ear made her shiver. Talk about sensual overload.

“I never knew cooking could be this fun.” Brooke sucked in a breath, so turned on she could barely breathe. She’d be whipping up a meal every night of the week if she had Nico in her kitchen.

“You smell better than anything I’m cooking.”

The impulse to lean back into the solid wall of his chest and bask in the strength and comfort of his arms took hold. The pull between them was scorching hot. She knew, deep down, in the pit of her soul, that they’d be magical together.

“All finished.” After Nico spooned the tortellini and the pesto onto their plates, he grated cheese over the top. He picked up their plates, and they headed to their table.

When they sat back down, Brooke set her napkin on her lap. “This looks amazing.” She didn’t waste any time digging into her pasta. The creaminess of the pesto and the basil hit her taste buds right away. “This is delicious. You’re spoiling me.”

A wicked smile played across his lips. “Get used to it. Your eyes flutter when you’re enjoying your food. I can’t help but wonder when else you do it.”

Her fork clattered onto her plate and the air became thick with sexual tension. “Do you always say what’s on your mind?” She gazed at him across the table, cataloging the details of his chiseled face. She didn’t think she’d ever get tired of looking at him.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you.” Taking a bite of tortellini, he chewed and swallowed, then took a long pull from his wine glass. “I don’t like to beat around the bush. How did you get into matchmaking?”

“I majored in psychology in college and studied sex and relationships. I’d been doing readings for my friends and got the wild idea to combine the two,” she said, wiping her mouth with her napkin, grateful for the change of subject.

“It makes sense.”

“Seeing other people find love satisfies me.” Brooke couldn’t tell him that a two-hundred-year-old curse hung over her head like a noose, dooming all of her relationships to end when the season changed.

Nico nodded and listened with rapt attention. “I don’t doubt you’re good at what you do. Although the jury’s still out on the women you tried to fix me up with,” he said in a playful tone. “I think what you do is sexy.”

Every cell and nerve ending tingled with their growing connection. When it became too much, Brooke turned away. She glanced around the dining room at the crystal chandelier hanging from the coffered ceiling and the upholstered benches built into the wall. Everything about the décor epitomized casual elegance. “This place is incredible. I’m so happy for you. How did you do this all on your own?”

“I have investors and a partner, my best friend from culinary school. We’re looking to expand eventually.”

“It doesn’t surprise me after doing your chart. You have Jupiter in your eleventh house, which rules your goals, and aspirations. I admire you for what you’ve accomplished. It’s not easy to open a small business.”
