Page 12 of After Midnight

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“I can be stubborn when I want something.” Heat smoldered in his dark eyes. “What about you? What are your dreams, Brooke?”

Her finger traced the stem of her wine glass as she considered the question. “I want to grow my business. I’ve always dreamed about having an advice column about dating. I’ve submitted some blog posts to a few different magazines. I haven’t heard back, but I’m not giving up. I started a book about astrology. Who knows, maybe I’ll get around to finishing it one of these days.”

“You can do anything you want to.”

His words made her warm all over. She loved his enthusiasm. After that, they talked nonstop about their favorite books and movies, and places they’d like to visit. The conversation flowed and, once again, Brooke got the feeling that they’d known each other in another lifetime.

“Nico,” she whispered, loving the way his name rolled off her tongue. “What does your name mean?”

“People of victory. It’s of Greek origin. It got me into trouble growing up with two older brothers because I wanted to be the boss, but my mom always came through for me.”

Her heart turned over when she tried to imagine Nico as a little boy with his coal black eyes and mop of dark hair. “Are you two close?”

Closing his fingers together, he nodded. “We’re like this.” She picked up on the affection in his voice.

“How nice for you.” She wondered what it must’ve been like to grow up with a family like Nico’s. They finished their pasta and pushed their plates aside. “I’m stuffed. You’re the one to blame if I bust out of this dress.”

“Feel free to take it off at any time,” he said in a husky voice. “There’s still dessert.”

“How many women have you swept off their feet with this grand gesture?” Brooke motioned around the room with her hand. This blew all of her first-date suggestions out of the water.

“You’d be the first, Miss Howe.” The admission washed over her and made her giddy.

“You make me feel special, Nico.”

“You are special.” He reached for her hand. His thumb caressed her fingers, sending delicious sparks along her skin. The air turned thicker, heavier.

“You’ve got this lust for life…this Aries allure that’s hard to resist.”

“I get this is a first date and I don’t want you to think I’m coming on too strong, but I feel this connection to you like no one ever before.” He shook his head. “It’s kind of scary.”

Her breath hitched. “Yeah, I know what you mean.”

“I have a serious question.” His dark eyes flashed with sexual promise.

Her other hand gripped the side of her chair to steady herself from the ache between her thighs. “Go ahead.”

“Do you like chocolate cake?”

Exhaling a breath, she smiled. “It’s my downfall.”

“Then get ready to go to the dark side.”

Twenty minutes later, they shared a decadent slice of molten lava cake with a peanut butter filling.

Afterward, she leaned back in her chair and rubbed her belly. “I’m ready to explode.”

“I know a great way to burn up some calories.” Awareness prickled up her spine. Nico got to his feet and came over to her side of the table. “I thought we could dance.”

Her heart skipped a beat. “Oh.”

“Why don’t you take off your shoes? Your feet must be killing you in those heels. I’m not complaining.” His gaze roamed over her legs and made her shiver.

Before she could respond, he got to his knees and slipped one of her sling-backs off her foot. Warm fingers massaged her arch and her heel. Her head fell back on a moan.

“When you make that breathy sigh, I can’t help but imagine you aroused.” The heat radiating from his voice took her breath away.

Her belly clenched against the sudden heat pooling there. His words forced her to press her thighs together. All night long she’d been thinking about ripping his clothes off and jumping his bones. “Nico…”
