Page 8 of My Perfect Puck

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So why is she hiding things from me?

This is my problem. I’m too much for women. Hell, I’m too much for myself. I overthink everything and I come on too strong.

I’m a lover, desperately searching for that right woman to spoil, pamper and make mine. I’m over the top possessive. Some have called it controlling, but already I can feel that deep, burning desire in my belly to make damn sure Vanessa is treated the only way I know how.

Like a fucking princess.

She spins and I’m sucking in long breaths just to hold her delicious scent for a moment longer. The bathroom door closes and as the lock twists, my stomach muscles unclench.

“Fuck,” I breathe, stumbling back against the wall on the opposite side of the corridor.

The sound of water falling has me reaching in my pocket and tapping out a message to Bailey.

Me: Dude, your sister is here. Coming home?

I pace up and down the hallway for a few minutes, staring at the blank screen of the phone in my tight fist. Then I remember to move Vanessa’s suitcase, so I race out and grab it. It weighs nothing, and I wonder in her frenzied state, whether she’s packed enough clothes for the weekend.

Take her out shopping. Spoil her. You know she deserves it…

My phone vibrates in my hand, and I toss the suitcase on the edge of the bed in the spare room. I hear the pipes in the walls shut the water off, and my face strains with concentration as I look down at my phone. I settle on the edge of the bed to read the message.

Bailey: Be home tonight. She’ll be alright for a few hours.

My teeth grind together. How can he just leave her? If she were my sister, I’d be right there at the airport, ready to console and take her mind of the asshole who’s broken her heart.

I start to type out a message, my tongue held firmly between my teeth. Just as I start to tell Bailey to get his ass back here, I hear the bathroom door unlock. Before I can hit send on the message, Vanessa is bursting into the bedroom.

“Oh shit! Aiden!”

Her eyes pop and she’s standing there in just a towel. She clutches it tight, but that only makes it worse. Her pointy nipples dent the white cotton, and a small gap appears between the edges so I can see her soft belly.

“Sorry! Sorry!” I call out, jumping up from the bed and trying hard to avert my eyes.

But I can’t.

My gaze darts between the exposed skin and her gleaming eyes. I see that her hair is darker now it’s wet. She’s pulled it to one side and the skin of her neck is exposed, teasing my swelling tongue. My tummy bursts with a feeling I can’t recognize.

And here I am, still staring.

“I didn’t take any fresh clothes in,” she says, taking a tiny step forward.

She smells like fresh shampoo and flowers.

I gulp down. “Of course. That’s what I was-”

She looks at me with a flutter of her lashes. Each one of them sounding like a damn drum being bashed in my head. “You were going to get my clothes?”

I take a second to think, but my head is a mess. That’s not what I was doing, but shit, why didn’t I think of that?

Would she like it if I did that for her? I’m pretty sure that look in her eye is one of appreciation. Or is this something that I think woman would enjoy until I overhear them telling their friends that I’m a creep? Or that I know no boundaries? Or it’s too soon to be diving into her luggage to fetch her clean panties?

This is exactly the kind of thing that I do. I’m still single for a reason, and lack of trying certainly isn’t it.

Vanessa is different though, right? Even if she’s closing herself off from me, I can still see that look deep down in her eyes.

She’s just staring at me as I battle the demons in my head. It’s a full-on war and my mouth is hanging open, waiting for the right words to come out. My palms are sweaty, my chest aching with every tiny second that passes unspoken. Cupid is on one side of my brain, pointing his arrows and shooting ferociously at every dangerous thought.

I can’t fuck this one up. I can’t scare her away.
