Page 41 of Sate the Darkness

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Perhaps sensing her sudden unease, Ryshi sat up and stretched his arms over his head. Sofie stifled a groan as he arched his back, looking like a sleek, sensuous cat.

Was he deliberately drawing attention to the lean muscles that moved beneath his satin tunic? If so, he had succeeded in spectacular fashion.

Slowly, he leaned forward to study the figurine in her hand. His warm scent of amber swirled around Sofie along with a wisp of smoke that brushed against her skin like a caress.

“Who is that?” he asked.

“A rock sprite who lives in the mountains near my lair,” she said, eagerly returning her gaze to the smooth piece of wood in her hand.

She stroked her fingers over the delicate features that were an exact replica of the fey creature who for years she’d watched scamper over the rocky pathway just outside her lair. Until this moment she hadn’t realized just how closely she’d observed the creature. As if she’d been lonelier than she wanted to admit.

“It’s exquisite.” His gaze lifted to sweep over her face, his eyes filled with pleasure. “You are very talented.”

She shrugged, pretending that his words hadn’t warmed her icy heart. Her art was the one thing she took pride in.

“It helps to pass the time.”

The smoke continued to swirl around her, the light caress sending shivers of pleasure through her.

“If you are searching for a way to pass the time, you should come to the Oasis with me,” Ryshi murmured. “There are a wide variety of options to titillate you.”

The image of the lush room with the sparkling fountain and mosaic tiled floor seared her mind. And lying on the satin pillows was Ryshi, his tunic gone to reveal the width of his chest, his hand held out in invitation.

Sofie hissed as desire slammed into her with the force of a rabid troll. She couldn’t determine if she’d come up with the fantasy or if she was reading Ryshi’s mind. And right now, she didn’t care. She just wanted to be at the Oasis. Alone with this male so she could join him on the pillows and forget this awful place.

She was actually swaying toward him when she abruptly recalled that this male was her prisoner. What was wrong with her? Was she tired? Or was the connection between them lowering her usual barriers?

“I don’t want to be titillated,” she said, speaking more to herself than the male who was stirring needs that she didn’t want stirred.

He arched a brow. “Never?”


He reached out to brush a finger down the side of her neck. “A shame.”

Yes, it is a shame, a renegade voice whispered in the back of her mind. A voice she sternly ignored.

“Will you return to the Oasis when Styx releases you?”

As she hoped, Ryshi was distracted by the question. He leaned back, although the smoke continued to circle her. Like a temptation that was just out of reach.

“Eventually.” He tilted his head to the side, studying her with genuine curiosity. “Will you return to your lair?”

“Of course.”

He clicked his tongue. “Such a waste.”

She narrowed her eyes at the typical male response, the temperature dropping several degrees.


“We make formidable partners,” he hastily explained. “If we survive it would be interesting to see where it might lead.”

Partners? Sofie stiffened at the odd ache that opened in the center of her unbeating heart. She’d once had a clan. A family. But that had all been destroyed by her powers. The memory was a reminder that she was destined to be alone. Ever since the moment she’d woken as a vampire.

“I can tell you exactly where it would lead.” Her voice was grim. “Nowhere.”

He frowned, easily sensing the tension vibrating in the air. “Are you afraid of me?”
