Page 43 of The Good Daughter

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“Don’t stooooppppp!” she belted out.

There certainly seemed no danger of Thomas stopping as the sound of Petra’s voice, the words becoming less and less intelligible, was now joined by the thumping of the bed against the wall next to my head. I buried my face in the pillow, facing away from Devon, trying not to think about what they were doing next door, and what we very pointedly weren’t doing in here.

The performance came in waves, with Thomas building his wife to an almost crescendo then letting her down gently before building up again, this time still higher so her screams made the windows rattle, and so on, until, after what seemed like an hour or so.

“Yes, Thomas! Now! Finish me! Finish me! FINISH ME!”

“Yes, please, Thomas, finish her,” I whispered.

Based on the volume and length of the scream that followed, Thomas had done as instructed, and as his own grunts and roars mingled with it, I had to assume that he too was finished.

“Do you think he finished her?” asked Devon.

“Either that or killed her,” I whispered back. “And, at this point, I don’t care which.”

If the bath had left me a little heated and frustrated, then Petra’s vivid audio of what I was missing had made things so much worse. I was lying in bed next to a man I found furiously attractive, whether I liked it or not, but one who I couldn’t do anything with because I was his prisoner and damn it I still had my pride!

“Perhaps we can get some sleep now,” said Devon. “Although I might open a window. Seems to have gotten very hot in here.”

“Can you get me a glass of water?” I asked, as he got up.

“You thirsty?”

“No, I want you to throw it in my face.”

I tried not to look at Devon as he walked across the room, he was just a shadow at the periphery of my vision, but somehow, it was a very attractive shadow. The way he moved, that strong, animal physicality he possessed, had always been as attractive to me as his appearance, and the night could not hide it.

He returned to the bed with a glass of water. “Here you…”

We both froze at a sound from beyond the wall.

“Oh, Thomas,” Petra purred. “Already? You’re not human. Get over here, you incorrigible boy.”

The noises began again, as fierce and loud as before.

“Do you think anyone in town has had a good night’s sleep since those two were married?” asked Devon.

The encore performance lasted at least an hour and was followed by a half hour of silence by the end of which I’d started to drift off, only for the words, “Oh, Thomas,” to drift through the wall once more, and we were treated to the late show, after which, even the rapacious Thomas seemed to be tapped out for the night.

Or dead.

I lay in an agony of unfulfillment, painfully aware that potential fulfillment was inches away from me, perhaps lying in the same agony. Based on what I’d glimpsed through the water of the bath tub, the poor man wouldn’t even be able to roll over in his current condition, he’d just keep bouncing back.

I could feel the tempting warmth from Devon’s side of the bed. I wanted to reach back, to reach into that warmth and share it, to make itourwarmth, that would then be stoked to an inferno.

But, no. I couldn’t. He was going to sell me in a matter of days. And once he did that, I would never forgive myself if I let him have me now. I was going to have a hell of a time forgiving myself for everything at this point. Sharing one another’s bodies would only make things entirely worse.

Unless he changed his mind about selling me. Then I would just feel stupid for having let this opportunity pass…

I tossed and turned on the question through most of the night, idling away hours wishing that things were different, better, wishing that I could see into Devon’s mind and know his heart. Wishing I could know what this was about because I was still sure that it wasn’t money.

I slept fitfully. Five minutes here, half an hour there. It was after such a brief bout that I opened my eyes with the early light of dawn bypassing the curtains and saw Devon looking back at me. How hadn’t I noticed before how penetrating that stare was? How beautiful his eyes were, as curiously animal as the rest of him. Right now, they were filled with desire.

It was Devon who moved first, but I made no attempt to stop him and my body was awash with relief as his lips met mine and we kissed. It was as pure a kiss as I’d ever experienced, and the fact that it had been such a long time coming made it all the sweeter.

He pulled back almost immediately.

“No… I’m… I’m sorry. I shouldn’t.”
