Page 17 of Untouched

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They slid into the car’s black and yellow leather seats, and Jay closed the car doors with a press of a button.

“I’ve had lunch,” said Sophia, buckling her seatbelt. “And it’s too early for dinner.”

“OK, I lied. We’re just going for a drink. But Iwouldhave taken you to dinner if you’d thought to put some fake dates into your contract.” He started the engine and revved it a little, pulling out of the garage. “Trust you to focus on the physical stuff, Clements.”

He laughed as she spluttered in protest. Then her protest turned into a shriek as he flung the Lambo into a perfect doughnut, tyres screeching, and set off down the drive with a roar.

“This is a pub,” said Sophia as he pulled up in the little car park.

“Ten out of ten for observational skills, Clements.”

They got out, and he beeped the car locked, pretending not to notice the stares of the group smoking in the pub garden while secretly enjoying them.

“I just didn’t think you’d come to somewhere like this. I thought it was all private gentlemen’s clubs and rooftop bars in Marbella.”

“It is normally. But we happen to be in Yorkshire. On a pretend date constricted by contractual obligations. Besides, I like pubs.”

He took her hand before she could protest and led her into the old, white-walled inn. It was warm and dim inside and smelt of ale and fried chips.

She drew a little closer as he paused, surveying the available seats. Luckily, it was quiet, being Thursday afternoon, and they had their pick of the place.

“I should probably point out that Idon’tlike pubs,” said Sophia, her hand tight around his.

“Snobbery or any better reason?”

“You know why, Jay. It’s the people. Too many of them and too much noise. Too much going on.”

“It’s dead in here.”

“There’s music on and at least five different conversations, and the floor is wooden and echoey…”

He glanced at her, noting the tight, unhappy lines of her face. “Do you want to go?”

She hesitated. She was about to say yes, he was sure of it, and he felt suddenly deflated, wondering why he had decided on this inane plan when he could have been in his room kissing her already.

Just the thought of it caused a swelling wave of desire, deep and raw, and so strong that he did what he had been doing ever since it started happening just over a week ago when Sophia proposed her crazy lesson plan. He side-stepped it, ignored it, refused to look.

So maybethatwas why they were here in this pub. He was delaying the inevitable. He just wasn’t sure why.

Sophia shook her head. “I’ll stay for one drink. You’re right. I do need to practise, to get used to this sort of thing. If I ever do manage to get Simon to take an interest in me, this is the sort of thing he might expect me to do.”

Right. Simon. He needed to stop forgetting about Simon.

Jay led the way to a comfortable-looking leather sofa by a large fireplace. There was a small fire in the grate, just a few glowing embers, but it was atmospheric.Romantic, Jay thought sourly.

“What would you like to drink?” he asked Sophia, remaining standing while she sat down and arranged her long skirt.

“An apple juice, please.”

“An apple juice? Seriously, Clements?”

“I have to drive home. I can’t have a glass of wine. You have to drive too.” She fixed him with a stern look. “You’re not planning to drink alcohol, are you?”

He rolled his eyes. “I’ll be fine after a pint.”

“I’m sure I don’t need to remind you of thecar crashyou were just in.”

“I’d had considerably more than a pint that night, Clements.”
