Page 117 of No Omega Needed

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I slap his hands away.

After all, Dexter was the one who suggested inviting ourselves right on in. Let's see how he likes it when it's his time being encroached upon.

I smirk, unbuttoning my dress shirt sleeves as I prowl closer. I handle the buttons on the front and toss it to the side. I'myanking my undershirt off when Dexter catches my eyes and grins mischievously.

"We've got company, Baby," Dexter murmurs against her cheek.

"O-Oh yeah?" she gasps, tilting her head to see who's joining. She sees me and lights up brighter than The Vegas Strip. That smile makes my heart thunder.

"We're going to need lube," Dexter says, his eyes on Walker.

"No, it's fine. I can't wait," Walker says, pulling off his undershirt. He's already got his belt undone and his slacks unbuttoned.

"Lube," Dexter barks.

Walker jolts, frowning at Dex.

"Check the black duffel bag in our room," Dexter says, smirking. "I always keep some handy."

"Got it," Walker grumbles, heading off down the hallway.

"Hey, Vince," McKinley says, grinning as she quirks a finger in my direction.

I kick out of my shoes and pants on the way over.

"Think we should switch things up and face you toward the room?" Dexter asks.

McKinley nods.

I help her to her feet and spin her around so she's facing me. Her heavy tits are heaving as she leans into my chest, pulling my mouth to hers. Her small hand wraps around my cock through the boxers making me growl. She slides her fingers down my sides. My cock bounces between us as the fabric hits the ground.

"Damn, Daddy Vince," Dexter chuckles, eyeing my cock. "There's another one you'll never let in your ass."

"What?" I scoff.

"Issac used to have to earn points on the chore chart to save up for anal," Dexter says, sliding his hands around the bellyand pinching McKinley's nipples. "It's the downside of having a massive cock."

"If you hadn't fudged the chart, we'd still have it," Issac growls, surprising the hell out of me. I have no idea when he joined us. "Goddamn, Love. It looks like I'm just in time."

McKinley grins. Her soft hand wraps around my thick cock and she jerks me just right. My knees go wobbly.

"Yeah, take a seat and jerk that ridiculously large cock of yours," Dexter says, chuckling as he nods to Issac.

"Don't mind if I do," Issac says, tossing himself down on the couch a few feet away.

"Why did you need lube again?" Walker asks, popping back into the room.

"Lube is your friend," McKinley and Dexter say in unison.

"Fuck, I love you," Dexter growls, kissing across her shoulder.

"How are we doing this?" McKinley asks, looking at me.

I shrug. No one should ever expect me to know how to coordinate group sex. Hell, the first threesomes I had were with her and Walker.

"Do you think you can take Dex and Walker?" Issac asks. He stretches wide, grinning predatorily.

"I can try," McKinley says, shrugging. Her grip on my cock finally loosens, but she runs her thumb over the dripping slit and pulls her finger to her mouth to lick off my pre-cum.
