Page 179 of No Omega Needed

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Vince Riggs

Four Months Later

Our living room is filled with people. I never expected the kid and her side of the pack to come back from their last trip with an extra pack member, but he sure makes things interesting.

Ravvi giggles uncontrollably as McKinley shakes her head, holding her hands up like that might stop him from repeating the words.

"For the love of God, collect your child," McKinley grumbles, power-walking away from Ravvi.

He giggles. "Love you too, Lovey."

She plops down on the oversized chair at my side. I pull her into my chest, resting a hand on her slightly swollen belly.

"For the last time. Collect your pain in the ass child, before I rethink my stance on no spanking," McKinley hisses at Storm.

"You couldn't catch me," Ravvi says, grinning and laughing.

Storm joins him.

McKinley huffs. She's only a few months along, but we've all been thinking it. She's much larger than expected.

"Be gone with you, child. You're not following me around with your child multiplying negativity. Say it again, and I'll do something we'll both regret."

He's obviously not afraid of her threats, which is actually cute. They've already built quite the solid familial bond.

"Oh yeah, what will you do?" Ravvi asks, climbing up on McKinley's lap between us.

"I'll follow you into school and give you a million smooches in front of your classmates," she says, tickling his sides. "All your little girlfriends will be heartbroken."

"You're silly," he says, laughing. "If I don't say it, it's still true."

McKinley groans. "You're sure?"

"Two boys," Ravvi says with a nod. Looking at Dexter, he goes on. "Don't take any bets with my dad."

"What?" McKinley asks, frowning.

Dex frowns, glaring at the boy. He makes a chopping motion with his hand, and Ravvi laughs even harder.

Dex glares and Ravvi grins.

"Just wait," Declan says, smirking at his brother. "This is gonna be good."

"Too late," Ravvi says, laughing like crazy. He's so much more carefree than when he first came home with them.

Declan is, too, but mostly he sticks with Pops. It's not a bad thing. Seeing those two grow closer has been one of the prouder moments of my life recently. They needed each other, that's for sure.

Ravvi jumps up and goes over to Bellamy, who is chewing on a block and grinning mischievously at Declan. She's freaking adorable. Declan scoops her into his arms and tickles her.

It's a little crazy to think we'll soon have another baby in the house. Or two if Ravvi is correct.

The little guy knows a lot. I won't contradict that. It's cool but eye-opening in a weird-as-shit way.

It makes me question a lot of the stuff I thought I knew about the world and the universe in general.

"Two is, like, one more than I bargained for," McKinley grumbles, resting her head on my shoulder.

"We'll manage just fine," I assure her. I'm over the freaking moon excited.
