Page 33 of No Omega Needed

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"There's some chemistry there," I agree. "They're both so straight-laced. I seriously doubt either one would ever make a move. You know how intimidating Issac is."

"Yeah, it takes some balls to bang that guy's girlfriend." Kitten cackles. "Want me to have Saint give them a pep-talk?"

I snort. "Ohmigod, don't make me laugh. I'll have to pee."

She grins unrepentantly.

"I'm hopeful. I love Riggs like family. I'd really like to see him settle down and be happy." Kitten shrugs. "I'd be even happier if he stayed close."

I laugh. She's quite the possessive little omega when she wants to be. "I'll see what I can do. No promises, though."

She chucks herself at me, tackling me back into the couch and marking my cheek.

"Love you," Kitten says, grinning like crazy.

"Love you, too, you giant pain in the ass."

I groan, stretching back into the couch. The Damien Sinclair memorial tour is underway. The guys did the Chicago show tonight. Tomorrow we're headed to Austin.

I've realized I really hate constantly traveling while pregnant.

"What do you think I should do?" Marcus asks, picking at his fingernail polish.

"For one, I think you should stop that shit," I grumble. "Number two, I think you should go figure out what happened to my food. Number three, I think you should stop being such a whiny little bitch."

"Ohmigod, woman," Marcus hisses, flipping me off. "I already told you. I didn't knock your ass up. It isn't my responsibility to go out for burgers at two in the morning."

"I am fully aware of who knocked my ass up," I say, chucking a throw pillow at his head. Well,kinda. There's only two possibilities, so fuck him. "Stop picking at your polish. Do you always have to be such an asshole?"

"Yes, apparently when dealing with your high-maintenance ass," he says. He grabs the pillow, sticking it behind his head.

"Hey, I needed that. Give it back," I hiss.

"I'm actually happy I skipped the gym with Issac. You two are fucking great entertainment," Dex says. He yanks the pillow from behind Marcus' head and brings it back.

"Dick," Marcus grumbles. "Your baby mama is being problematic again."

Dex glances between the two of us and scoffs. "You're still alive. I'd say she's being very well-behaved."

"She threatened my life earlier if I didn't go get her a cheeseburger," Marcus says, scowling.

"You're still aliveā€¦" Dex says, plopping down on the couch next to me. He glances around. "So is there food around here somewhere?"

"Hell no," I grumble. "I think Jude got lost."

"Fuck my life," Marcus grumbles. "You assholes are too much. He's been gone fifteen minutes."

"I told you to go with him," I say, glaring at him.

"Your security does not need back-up security to ensure the safety of your late-night junk food run." Marcus sighs. "My quality of life has decreased since Lyric stuck me with you assholes."

"It's an unfamiliar city," I say, frowning. "Chicago is huge, he might never find his way back."

"I never believed the stories about pregnant women being crazy," Marcus says, laughing as he shakes his head.

Dexter snorts, his long blond hair framing his face as he shakes his head.

"So back to me. Give up on music, start my own band, find someone who needs a good bass player?" Marcus asks.
