Page 63 of No Omega Needed

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I sigh, leaning back against the chaise lounge.

"My dad's whole campaign is centered around taking away rights. You know this. His whole spiel is conservative family values." I frown. "I kinda like the idea of giving him a giant fuck-you."

"Yeah, that's true," Dex says, bouncing in his seat. He's squatting on the metal chair like he might jump off at any second.

"It's important to you?" Issac asks, scratching at his jaw.

I shrug. "Family pack laws are important. Think about Kitten. She's only going to be able to marry one of her guys. That sucks. It's not fair at all."

"Yeah, but fuck them," Dex says, rolling his eyes.

My jaw drops.

"The politicians," Dex clarifies. "They only allow that shit when there's an omega. That's ridiculous."

As the law stands now, packs have some protections. They're recognized as a family unit and able to file taxes together. They can do things like put everyone on one insurance plan, but they aren't able to legally marry.

If an omega wants to marry more than one of their pack mates, well, they're just fucked. Completely out of luck.

Dex takes a hit off the blunt. "Plural marriage should be legal in any capacity. Not just for omegas."

There's a chance packs might be able to qualify for plural marriage. It'll be voted on in the upcoming election.

Politicians like my father don't want packs to exist at all. He's not a big fan of anything other than marriage between one man and one woman. He's anepicasshole.

"To qualify for pack status, there has to be an omega," Issac says, frowning.

"Exactly," Dexter says. "That's fucking stupid. If it's a group of all alphas or alphas and betas, it should still qualify as a pack. Omegas are getting rarer. They should be happy packs are finding other solutions."

"It's a step in the right direction, though, right?" I ask, feeling around my stomach. The baby is flipping and dancing in there.

"She's moving?" Dex asks, popping off the chair and coming to sit on the chair next to me.

"It's a boy," Issac says, putting out the blunt.

They've had this particular disagreement about a thousand times.

"Hey, baby girl," Dex murmurs, pulling up my shirt. "Oh, you are wiggly, aren't you?"

Issac rolls his eyes. "We'll do the shows," he finally concedes.

"Yeah?" I ask.

Issac gives me an indulgent smile.

"Not the one two days before your due date, but the ones after." Issac shrugs. "I'm down."

"Thank you."

Izzy mouths, "Love you."

I pull Dexter's hand to where the baby is kicking.

"Damn, Baby, that's fucking crazy," Dex says, eyes wide.

"Yep," I agree.

I have to look away. Seeing Dex so enraptured with the baby makes my heart feel like there's a fist squeezing it tight. Things would be totally different if I was an omega. There's no way we could ever be a pack. Even if Dexter was finally done with the crap and ready to settle down, it wouldn't matter.
