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“No ice cream this time, okay? See, this guy I know ate so much ice cream as an excuse to spend time around a girl, he got sick of it and can’t eat it to this day.” He winked at her.

She laughed. “No ice cream. I promise.” She kissed him again, knowing in her soul that this bond they shared would last forever. And she was ready for it.


Six months later

Jax stepped down from the truck and went around to the passenger side to open Seyla’s door.

She hopped out and grabbed her phone. Her eyes twinkled as she bit her bottom lip, a sure sign she was up to something. She texted someone and snapped the phone shut, her new diamond and opal engagement ring catching fire in the light.

Her mother had helped him pick it out.

Soon she would be his wife. Joy spread through him at the thought. “Are you gonna tell me what we’re doing here yet?” Jax eyed the two-story stone home with white trim, wondering what possible surprise awaited him inside.

“Nope.” Seyla ushered him onto the wide porch and rang the doorbell.

A woman in her sixties opened the door, smiling at them. “I’m glad you made it. Welcome.” She waved them into the living room.

Seyla told him, “This is Jean Farris.”

Jax introduced himself to Jean, then lifted an eyebrow at Seyla.

She bit her lip.

Jean excused herself.

“What’s this about?” Jax asked, amused by his fiancée’s excitement.

“I wanted to get you an engagement gift. However, I’m well aware that you can buy anything you want. Except this.”

Jean returned to the room. A thin, but beautiful, calico cat nestled comfortably in her arms.

Jax’s breath stuck in his chest. It looked exactly like...“Reesie?”

The cat meowed in response.

“We kept her name,” Jean explained.

Whoosh!The air fled Jax’s lungs. He stood in shock, his eyes pricking with emotion.

Jean padded over to him, the cat in her arms. “I adopted her from Second Chance Cats a little over twenty years ago. She was six months old. She’s had a great life with me, my husband, and her cat buddy, Carson.” Jean scratched the cat’s head. “She has some health issues; however, the doctor thinks she might live to be twenty-one or twenty-two. Says she’s the oldest patient he has. Maybe she’s been waiting to see you again.”

Jax stretched his fingers out to her and turned his palm up to see what Reesie would do. She rubbed her soft cheek on his hand and meowed. Without warning, she jumped into his arms.

“She remembers you,” Jean said with a smile. “Visit any time you like. I can tell you make her happy.”

Jax hugged Reesie to him, then returned his attention to Seyla. “Thank you,” he ground out, his voice raw with emotion. He held Reesie to his chest again.

“I know it’s not an expensive gift, but I wanted you to know she went to a good home where she’s loved and cared for. Your uncle and Matt helped me find her. Your uncle made me promise to take a picture of you two for your mom.”

Reesie purred in Jax’s arms, her silky fur soothing him. Seyla had given him what he didn’t even know he needed. Assurance that Reesie had a good life. He shifted the little cat into one arm, placing the other hand against Seyla’s cheek. “This gift means more to me than any store-bought one. But the best gift I haveis the precious jewel standing in front of me right now.” Jax pressed his lips to hers. He was finally home.


Seyla and Jax have found their happy ending, but don’t go away yet…
