Page 38 of No Chance

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Valerie looked to the side and then behind as if checking for any sign of the suspect. She caught Will's eye, turned, and looked over her shoulder.

"It's good to have you back, Will," she whispered as they waited for an answer. "You're just in time."

"Timing isn't always my strong suit," Will whispered back.

"I'm just glad you're here," she said before turning back to face the door.

Will noticed a tiredness in Valerie's voice, and he was worried that the stress of the case was getting to her. But he kept this to himself. He knew she wouldn't want his sympathy, at least not until they'd solved the case and found justice for Maggie.

He glanced around them at the deserted parking lot and broken-down motel, hoping that this would be enough to get them closer to finding the killer. His arm ached like it was filled with broken glass, the pain killers intermittently taking that throbbing away.

Sheriff Carter knocked on the door again, this time with more force. He called out, "Ronald Queen! Open up! This is Sheriff Carter of Kerry County. I'm here to speak with you."

The stillness of the night stretched out around them, and Will was just about to suggest they check with the motel receptionist when he heard someone turn off a television inside.

Charlie nodded to Carter and whispered, "He's in there."

Carter took a deep breath and then shouted, "Ronald Queen! This is your last chance. Open the door now, or I'll be forced to break it down."

But nothing happened.

Charlie held up his fingers:One ... Two .... Three ...He stood back ready to kick the door in.

Will held his breath and waited as he heard the sound of a chain being unhooked from the other side of the door. It pulled slowly open, revealing an unkempt man with pale skin and dark circles under his eyes. His long hair was greasy and wild, and he looked at them with suspicion in his gaze.

"You lot that keen to put me behind bars already?" he said with a thin, sharp voice.

"Are you Ronald Queen?" Valerie asked.

"You know I am," he said, confidently, turning his back on the group and then walking farther into the room.

Will followed the others inside the room and took in the sight. It was dingy, with the walls covered in faded wallpaper and dust. The only furniture was a single bed with a stained mattress, a small table in the corner, and a couch and armchair that didn't match, with burst sponge poking through the surface.

Ronald had already taken a seat at the table, his hands clasped together as if he was about to pray. He motioned for them all to take a seat, which they did.

Carter cleared his throat and began to speak. "Mr. Queen," he said sternly, "we're here regarding your recent release from Tambridge Prison and your previous crimes of burglary."

Ronald smirked and nodded slowly. "I'm familiar with that accusation," he said quietly.

Carter continued, "You were seen entering several homes late at night and tying up your victims before stealing whatever goods you could find." His voice was low but firm as he stared into Ronald's eyes.

Will watched with curiosity. He wondered why the sheriff was taking point when it was Valerie's investigation. It was interesting to see someone else work. He had an imposing way about him but not without charm if needed.

Ronald returned his gaze without flinching, though his hands shook slightly. "Yes, that's true," he said quietly, averting his eyes from Carter's gaze. "But I never hurt anyone during those robberies; I just wanted what little money they had. I served my time."

Valerie leaned forward in her seat and interjected, "Do you like tying people up, Ronald?"

Will felt a chill run down his spine as Ronald looked up at Valerie with a sinister smile, almost like he was enjoying the attention. He said, "I used to have a thing for tying people up. But I'm rehabilitated now."

The room was silent for a moment before Carter began to speak again, "We just want to make sure that you're not going back to your old ways, Mr. Queen," he said.

Ronald nodded and replied, "Don't give me that." His eyes never left Valerie's as he spoke, and Will could feel the tension in the air. "Cops don't do courtesy calls. Not for burglary. Why are you here?"

"When you broke into people's houses," Valerie said, "you didn't always have to tie the people up. They were sleeping. You could have taken what you wanted and left. I wonder why that is."

"Like I said," Ronald said, leaning forward, rubbing yellowed fingers against his lips, longingly. "I used to have a thing for it, but I got that out of my system."

"And what about the itch?" Charlie asked. "Hard to avoid it when you get it. How do we know you haven't dabbled again in the sheet bend knot."

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